How to view and download payslips in uknowva ?


How to view and download payslips in uknowva ?


Step 1: Go to left-hand-side menu you will find "My Payslip" menu click on it.





Go to download menu in top of s...

How to generate payslip (bulk) in uknowva ?

Step 1: Go to left-hand side menu, click on "HR Manager" -> Payroll


Step 2: In right hand side of page you will find "MORE" option click on it under that option click on "Pass salary details"


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How to upload bulk payslips in uknowva ?

Over the period since we introduced our Payroll system as a part of our HRMS, many of our clients have opted to process their payroll in our system.

However, there are some who have outsourced the payroll processing to payroll consultants or are comfortable using the system that they have been using for longer than our HRMS.

In such cases, though the payrol...

How to design/define payslips in uknowva ?

Step 1: Go to left-hand side menu, click on "HR Manager" -> Generate letters



Step 2: In "Letter Templates" page please edit "Salaryslip" row (Refer screenshot)




Step 3: You will be able to se...

How to find out your Final In-hand salary in uKnowva?

Step 1: Go to left-hand-side menu and click on "My Salary"



Step 2: In " My Salary " page you can find your "Earnings and Deductions" amount, PLease make a note that its for per month.



Step 3: In Right-hand-side of screen your sal...

How to bulk import salary structure (Multiple salary structure) in uknowva ?

Step 1: Go to left-hand side menu, click on "HR Manager" -> Payroll



Step2 : Go to right hand side of page and click on "MORE" option -> Click on "Assign Salary"

NOTE: Please make a note that in salary struture column given name should be match with salary struture name which is alre...

How to assign salary structures individually in uknowva ?

Tags: salary define salary

Step 1: Go to left-hand side menu, click on "HR Manager" -> Payroll



Step 2: Go to right hand side and you will find filter button click on it and search for the users of which you wish to assigned salary structure.



How to define single salary structure?

Step 1: Go to left-hand side menu, click on "HR Manager" -> Payroll



Step2: Go to right hand side of page and click on "MORE" option -> Click on "Edit Default structure"



Step 3: You can add Earning heads, Formulae, Amount, whether Is Variable? or not , ...

VAPT Report-V1.0

The uKnowva Testing Team conducted an in-depth testing of uKnowva 2.4.4 for all OWASP vulnerabilities. This document contains the details of the testing conducted. All those vulnerabilities, along with the new ones in the latest version have been successfully fixed. The report provides a detailed explanation of the vulnerabilities as listed by OWASP along with their current status in this version of uKnowva.

This is a confirmatory document that uKnowva is VAPT tested and is immune to ...

How to define multiple salary structure?

Step 1 :- Go to HR Manager > List Salary Heads.

Step 2 :- Click on Add on the right hand side button. 

Step 3 :- Now you can add the salary head whichever is required it may be earning type/deduction type. 

Step 4 :- Write the Title of the head for eg. Basic. Select if it is a Earning or a deduction. If you leave type blank it will display in both. Click on save once done. 

Difference between Total time and Total working time/In time

When you see a user's attendance details page, then you see two things: Total time and Total working time

The same is available in export of attendance as well.

Total time is the difference between the last out punch and the first in punch time of the user


Total working/in time is the difference between the sum of all consecutive out punch and and the in punch of the user. It actually gives a better idea of how much time the...

6 things you should check before generating salary in uKnowva payroll

Tags: payroll salary


Step 1.To generate salary of users you need to check the below data for that user is properly set in the system.

The list of data you need to Check:-

1. User Date of Joining -To check this go to the profile fields of that user and in 'Employment Information' you see...

How To add New Appraisal

Step 1:-Go To Left hand side Menu My Performance .





Step2:-Select Roll out Appraisals





Step 3:-In the top of page you will find Option to Add Appraisal Type

Points system in uKnowva Intranet

uKnowva Intranet has an inbuilt point system that allocates points to users on specific actions like sharing a status update, posting in forum, etc. Below is the matrix that explains how much and when these points are allocated to users.


ActionDescriptionPoints Upload Photo Give points when registered user upload photos. 0 Add New Group Give points when registered user created new group. 3 Add New Group's Discussion Give points when registered user create...

7 things you should do to Kick start your intranet and get it rolling

An  intranet can be the backbone of a business, if it’s done right. It  should focus on the needs of people—provide an enjoyable experience,  relevant content, and an easy way to connect. However, an intranet is  only as effective as how it's being used. The problem for most companies  is getting employees to start using the intranet. Hence the saying - it  is always the start that requires the greatest effort.

Over  a period of time we have found that th...

What happens to customer's data after termination

Tags: data purging termination

It is very sad to see a customer go, but it is a part of any business. Most common question a customer has when they terminate uKnowva is "What happens to my data?"

If you hosted uKnowva on your own premise, then the data is at your end, you may wish to keep it or destroy it.

If you were on our cloud, then we use the follow...

Data Privacy on our Cloud

Many customers ask us this question:

We are going to move our business completely on your software, how do you ensure that our data is protected?

Here is how we protect your data

How do you protect our data from cyber attacks? uKnowva is VAPT tested, which ensures it has passed the top 10 vulnerability tests of the OWASP model. You can refer the report here:

How to schedule an interview under uKnowva - Recruitment Engine.


1. Click on recruitment > my applicants.



2. Click on the drop down of ‘Status’ option for the particular candidate you wish to schedule the interview for. 


3. Click on ‘Interview Scheduled’ option.



How to add an Individual candidate in talent pool under Recruitment engine.

1. Click on Recruitment > Talent Pool > Add candidate



2. As you click on add candidate you have 2 options Basic Info & Profile Info. Basic info is all the basic details required of the candidate and profile info is, if the candidate is hired in future, the details which will be appeared in his/her profile when he/she on-boards.  

How to edit a job posting on uKnowva - Recruitment Engine.

1. Click on > Recruitment > My Posted Jobs



2. Click on 3 dots next to ‘Assigned to’ (Extreme Right) of the job which you wish to edit.


3. On clicking on the 3 dots you will get various options. Click on ‘Edit Job’ (Fourth option)



4.Kindly mak...