How to forcefully make people share location in uKnowva HRMS

Follow the below steps

1. Ensure you have updated the Virtual biometric plugin from the extension store. Refer this link on how to update/install a plugin from extension store:

2. Go to uKnowva configuration --> Plugin manager --> Virtual biometric plugin --> Track location mandatorily --> Enable the setting and Save it

3. Once saved, if any user does not share location, he/she...

How to set up the short attendance intimation plugin in uKnowva

This plugin sends the short attendance intimation to the user and also deduct the leave if working hours are less than configured hours.

Step 1: Login into account.

Step 2: Go to uKnowva Configuration menu from the right side.

Step 3: Click on 'PLUGIN MANAGER' menu from the left side menus and Search for 'Short Attendance Intimation...

How to upgrade ESIC plugin in uKnowva as per July 2016 rule ?


With the new rules for ESIC that have come into effect since July 2019 by the Government,please refer the link below for the same.



How to upgrade Provident Fund plugin in uKnowva as per June 2016 rule ?


With the new rules for PF that have come into effect since June 2019 by the Government,please refer the link below for the same.


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How to set up profile update approver plugin in uKnowva?


How to cancel already approved leave in uKnowva ?

Note:- If as an HR user you want to cancel users leave, then refer to this document:- How to Cancel an Approved leave as an HR in uKnowva?

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How are Salary Slips Generated and stored in uKnowva HRMS

Salaryslips/Payslips can be generated with a simple click of a button after you have generated and verified the payroll for a particular month OR you can upload them into the system through a zip file. If you wish to know the process to generate payslips, please check this link:, OR in case you are doing payroll in some other system and are uploading payslips in uKnowvathen refer this link on how to do so: https:...

How to check the logs of any file in uKnowva

Just open the file

Click on the Logs button


How to add loan with multiple installment in uKnowva?

Step 1:-Go to left hand side menu in 'HR Manager'->'Loans and Advances'



Step 2:-In Top corner there is 'Add' button click on it.

How to set KRA of any user in uKnowva performance module?

NOTE: There are two ways to set KRA, one is by you can set Kra by "Set KRA for my team" menu and second way is by "KRA templates" menu.

If KRA is same for many employees then create template of the "KRA" option menu or else if KRA is different for many employees then follow the "Set KRA for my team option " menu option


To create KRA templates:

Step 1: Go to left-hand-side menu -> My performance -> KRA templates.


How to create an offer letter in recruitment module in uKnowva ?

Step 1: Go to left-hand-side menu -> Recruitment -> My Applicant 



Step 2: Select the candidate and change his status to "Approved/Placed" (Please refer attach screenshot).



Step 3: You will find "ROLL OUT OFFER LETTER" below status field, click on it.



Step 4: You will redirect to "Roll out offer letter", please fill that details and click on next button.



How to input feedback for each candidate in uKnowva recruitment module ?

Step 1: Go to "left-hand-side" menu -> "Recruitment" -> "My Applicants".



Step 2: Click on any candidate which will redirect you to his details page.



Step 3: Scroll down you will find "All Feedback" option, where you can add your feedback about that candidate.



How to share job post in social media page of recruitment module in uKnowva ?

Step 1: Go to left-hand-side menu -> "Recruitment" -> "My Posted Jobs"



Step 2: Search for the job post you wish to post on social media and click on it.You will find its details page.



Step 3: You will find social icons on that detail page like linkedin, twitter and facebook just click on it and share your job post.



How to change candidate status after offer letter is rolled out in Uknowva recruitment module ?

Step 1: Go to left-hand-side menu and select Recruitment -> Offer letters 


Step 2: You will find offer letter status column in which you van change status as you wish.

By default it will be "Rolled Out" status



You can change status to accepted, rejected and denied by company as you wish.



How to Add Source in uKnowva recruitment module ?

Step 1: Go to "Left hand side Menu" -> Recruitment -> Sources.



Step 2: Click on "+ Add Source button" please refer attach screenshot.



Step 3: Pop up will appear where you have to add Source Name*, Source Email,Source PIC,Source Number,Cost Type,Cost Per Hiring and click on save button.



How to assign another job in recruitment module uKnowva ?

Step 1: Go to "Left hand side Menu" -> Recruitment -> My Applicants.


Step 2: Please scroll the page and find Details cloumn where you have to click on view option.


Step 3: Click on "+ More" button -> "Assign Another Job" (Please refer attach screenshot).


How to define pre-on-boarding fields of recruitment module in uKnowva ?

Step 1: Go to Uknowva Configuration.


Step 2: Go to "Apps Manager" and search for "Recruitment Engine" and click on it.


Step 3: Add profile fields which you wish to add in pre-on-boarding process of candicate and save it.


How to change the status of applicant in uknowva recruitment module ?

There are two ways to change status please find below steps:

Step 1: Go to left-hand-side menu -> "Recruitment" -> "My Applicants"


Step 2: In "Status" column you can change the status of that applicant as you wish.


How to assign a recruiter for a job in uknowva recruitment module ?

Step 1: Go to left hand side menu "Recruitment" -> "My Posted jobs".


Step 2: Find the job in a list for which you wish to assign recruiter.


Step 3: In "My posted jobs" page you will find "...

How to schedule interview in uknowva recruitment module ?

Step 1: Go to Left-hand-side menu -> "My Applicant"


Step 2: In "Status" column you can change the status of that applicant to "schedule interview".


Step 3: Pop up will appear where you have to add "Job title" "Interviewer's name" and Date and save it.