Installation Procedure

Before installing uKnowva, please ensure that all your System Requirements have been met.

Step 1

In your browser, open the folder in which your installation files have been saved.

  • If the files have been saved in the root folder, type "localhost" and press Enter.
  • If the files have been saved inside a folder in the root folder, type "localhost/folder_name" and press Enter.

The following page opens.

Step 1

This page displays the current settings of your server, database and server-side scripting language.

You have to make sure that all the services under Required Settings show “Yes.” In particular, uKnowva Web Services has to display “Yes” or your different web services will not run.

You can change the settings as required under Optional Settings. Set the directories as required, and click “Next.”

Step 2

Before you set up your database, please make sure that you have created a database. In case you have not created a database, please follow the instructions here.

You have to now set up the main uKnowva database for your instance. The DB Setup page looks as shown below.

Step 2

Select your Database Type and enter your Database Server Host Name, Username, & Database Prefix in "Connection Parameters."

You may leave the Password field blank. If you choose to do so, a password will be assigned to you.

The settings under the other two headings an be left unchanged if wanted.

Once all the necessary fields have been filled, click "Next" to proceed to the next step.

Step 3

In this step, you have to set all the information about your uKnowva instance. The fields are divided into 4 headings.

uKnowva Parameters: Set your instance's name, email address, and email sender's name here. The optional fields include your Instance URL, the Cookie Domain and Cookies Path. You may also choose to override your temp and log paths by checking the box.

FTP Options: These settings help in setting up your email. These settings are entirely optional. You may set up your FTP layer by entering the Host Name, Port, Username, Password, and Directory.

Step 3

Super Administrator Settings: Set the details for the Super Administrator of the instance here by selecting a Username and entering a Password & Email Address. You may choose to not select a Password at this stage.

Fine Tuning: Here, you may set the paths for your Temporary and Logs Directories.

Once done, click Next.

Step 4

When you click Next in the previous step, you may get the following message on your screen.


In such a case, copy and paste the displayed code in your 'configuration.php" file and then remove the installation directory from your folder before accessing your instance for the first time.

To remove the installation directory, click the link displayed on the page. Alternatively, you can also go to your uKnowva folder and remove the directory yourself.

Step 4

You are now ready to start using your instance of uKnowva!

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