As the name suggests "Extensions" are to extend the already available functionality of uKnowva application. Vanilla uKnowva installation comes with default features like social intranet, document management, etc. But say you want a project Management App or some completely new functionality like tracking user sessions, etc, then you can do this by adding more extensions to uKnowva.
How to install new extensions in uKnowva?
You can extend uKnowva in three ways:
- From the Extension store: Refer this link:
- By programming something by yourself (in PHP of course) and compiling a .ukv file out of it and uploading it. Refer this link:
- By linking Third part Applications: Refer this link:
Extensions are of 5 types:
- Apps
- Plugins
- Widgets
- Themes
- Languages
Click on the profile icon present at the top right corner of the screen, and it will open a list of menus, from there click on the uKnowva Configuration menu.
Apps (alias components) are a bunch of additional functionality which when installed, they are linked in the Main menu and are available for use. You can manage and configure all your Apps from uKnowva Configuration --> Apps Manager.
Example Apps on our Extension store: HRMS, Customer Support Ticketing system, etc.
Plugins are usually s small additional functionality which are usually attached to a core App/component. When installed, they do not come under the Menu, instead they are triggered on a specific event like on a users login, on profile page display, on document display, etc. They are like triggers, they are triggered on a specific event so that some additional code can be executed on that event. You can manage all your plugins from uKnowva Configuration --> Plugin Manager
Example Plugins on our Extension store: PDF Viewer,uKnowva Firewall, Organization Chart, etc.
Widgets (alias Modules) are simple placeholders that fit in a specific position in a theme/template and show some content/information. You can manage all your plugins from uKnowva Configuration --> Widget Manager
Example Widgets on our Extension store: Birthday Reminder,,uKnowva Stats, FB Like Box, etc.
Themes (alias Templates) govern the complete look and feel of any uKnowva instance. Usually, each instance has a predefined theme. The same parameters can be changed from uKnowva Configuration-->Theme Manager.
Facility for installing more themes is currently not available, but if you wish to get theme revamped/changed, you can write to
uKnowva is by default available in English language, you can still change the complete language of your instance. This facility is still under Beta and will be available under uKnowva Configuration soon. Facility for installing more languages is currently not available, but if you wish to get your them revamped/changed, you can write to