• What is uKnowva? I have never heard of it before.
    uKnowva is an extensible Enterprise Collaboration Platform, developed by Convergence IT Services Pvt. Ltd. It can be used by businesses big and small as it offers a platform for seamless communication to connect every member in your organization. For more details on uKnowva, please visit www.uknowva.com.
  • Why Wikis?
    uKnowva Wikis has been developed so that all the information regarding uKnowva is freely available to its users and developers. We believe this will reduce the time involved in the to and fro that happens when we have to answer your questions. We will keep updating Wikis with the latest information at all times so that it is always available for you.
  • I have purchased an instance of uKnowva. How do I install it
    If you have purchased the cloud-based edition of uKnowva, we will install it and provide the details to you. If you have purchased the on-premise edition of uKnowva, please check out Installing uKnowva and follow the instructions there. However, if you would like any help with the installation process you can contact us directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • How do I back-up my instance of uKnowva?
    For instructions on backing up uKnowa, please check uKnowva Backup.
  • My instance of uKnowva is not working properly. I plan to revert to my last taken back-up. How do I do that?
    Restoring uKnowva to its previous backed up version is very easy. Please follow the instructions at Restoring uKnowva for a step-by-step procedure.
  • I own/am a part of a small company. Will uKnowva be useful for my organization? If so, how?
    uKnowva is useful for any organization that has a strength of minimum 10–15 employees. We suggest visiting www.uknowva.com for more information on this topic.
  • I want to submit an article to Wikis. How should I go about it?
    We are sorry, but currently users cannot submit articles to the Wikis. However, we might provide this feature in the future, in which case we will let you know.
  • What is “Developer Tools”?
    In Developer Tools, we have provided manuals, videos, and other how-to’s to help developers create extensions for uKnowva. All the help you need to know how to develop for uKnowva will be provided here.
  • I have used uKnowva. I would like to share my feedback. How can I do that?
    For sharing your feedback, please use the comments feature provided below each article. You only have to submit your name and email address along with the message and your feedback/suggestion will be posted after moderation. You do not have to worry; your email address will not be displayed.
  • I have a question not mentioned in your FAQs. How do I contact you?
    For further information regarding uKnowva and Wikis, please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call at +91 22 2513 66 32.
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