How to apply for a Business Card request

Tags: My Requests Business Card HR Track request

1. Click on "My Requests" and then click on "Business Card Requisition"


2. Enter all the required basic details.


3. Enter your company's address and company's website.



4. Enter the date of request and click on "Submit"

How to apply for an ID card request

Tags: My Requests Request ID card Track my Requests

1. Click on "My Requests" and then "ID Card Request"


2. Enter your emergency contact number.


3. Select your blood group by clicking on the drop down highlighted below.


4. Then enter your employee ID and click on "Choose File" to select your ph...

How to edit profile details

Tags: My Profile Edit Profile details

1. Click on the profile picture and click on "My Profile"


2. If you want to change your profile picture then click on "Change Profile Picture"



3. Cl...

How to Manually add attendance in past in uKnowva HRMS

Tags: Attendance add Attendance

Many a times, when your real time attendance is not captured because of reasons like biometric not working, etc. You might want to add it manually. To do so, just follow the below steps

Login into uKnowva Go to My attendance page Click on the date you want to add attendance for and fill up the details Hit Save, if you are the user, then this shall go for approval to manager, els...

How to track accurate location while punching on uKnowva HRMS

Tags: Location Ticket HTTPS Chrome PC Chrome mobile iOS Chrome mobile Android Enable location First of all, your instance URL should start with "https" and not "httpread more

How to enable/disable Half-day Leaves in uKnowva HRMS

Tags: Half day Attendance HRM lite

1. If the box of "Half day" does not show up then click on profile picture and uKnowva configuration to change the settings.



2. Click on Apps manager and HRM Lite.

read more

How to apply for a Half Day Leave

Tags: leave apply for leave leave balance

1. Click on "My Leaves"


2. Click on "Apply for leave"

read more

Bulk approving pending attendance punches in Virtual biometric plugin of uKnowva HRMS

Tags: Attendance Attendance approver

Follow the below steps:

Login with your account Click on My menu on right hand side top and click Attendance Pending Approval link
Click on it and you shall see a screen like below:

Note: In case you do not find the above link, just upgrade your Virtual bio-metric plugin to the latest version or write to This email addr...

How to import leave balance of users in uKnowva HRMS

Tags: Leave Attendance Import

Just follow the below steps:

1. Login as uKnowva Admin or HR Manager

2. Click on Leave balance of all users under HR Manager link

3. Click import

4. Upload a .CSV file in the required format. Done :)

Note: In the employee column, you can either put the user's username or email or the name as well

How to import salaries in uKnowva HRMS

Tags: import salary salary define salary bulk import salary

1. Login as HR Manager/Admin

2. Go to Salary Details page

3. Click on the import button

4.  Download the import format and upload it back

5. Done


Similarly you can also go to past salaries and import using a similar sheet.<...

How to Enable/Disable Email notifications in uKnowva HRMS

Managing email notifications in uKnowva HRMS ensures you stay updated on relevant activities while keeping ...

How to create conditional leave types in uknowva

Tags: leave setting leave rule conditional leave

1) Login with admin credentials.

2) Click on profile image on top right hand side and select UKNOWVA CONFIGURATION from drop down list.

3) Select APPS MANAGER from left side menu panel.

4) Select HRM LITE app from the app list.

5) In HRM LITE ...

How to configure Conditional Holidays in uKnowva?

Tags: holiday setting holiday conditional holiday


What are Conditional Holidays?

Conditional holidays are holidays applicable based on certain conditions fulfilled by the employees. These conditions can be the residing country of employee, gender of employee, age of employee, etc.

While configuring the conditional holiday, uKnowva allows you select multip...

How to Read Your Attendance Calendar

The attendance calendar in uKnowva HRMS provides a color-coded view of yo...

How to create a photo album and upload photos in uKnowva

uKnowva makes it easy to organize and share memories through photo albums. You can create an album and upload pho...

How to setup uKnowva HRMS on your phone?

Tags: HRMS App Mobile login Android iPhone uKnowva App

For Android

To set up the HRMS app on android you need to have your HRMS instance URL and the user credentials. Please contact your system admin if you don't have these details.

1.Click on the lin...

How to create uKnowva HRMS instance from your Android smartphone (System Admins only)

Tags: Android HRMS uKnowva app playstore Click on the link here to install the app
or search uKnowva HRMS in the play store from your Android smartphone Tap on install and wait for installation. On completion open the app name HRMS.
Look for this...

Where is the logs folder located in uKnowva

uKnowva writes many logs like error logs, login error logs, user export logs in a folder which is located at a file system location defined in the configuration page.

To know where is your instance's logs folder, simply go to uKnowva Configuration --> Global Configuration


How to Export All users in uKnowva

This feature is available in uKnowva 2.4.4 onward...

How to set a reporting manager of any user in uKnowva

Tags: set reporting manager update manager update user data

You can set multiple reporting managers for a user in uKnowva. If you have the admin access, then the procedure is simple.

1. Go to the user's profile and click Edit user

2. In the Superiors column, select the manager

If you want to delegate these rights to non-admins, then you can install this plu...