How to Export Past Salary in uKnowva HRMS

uKnowva HRMS allows admins to export past salary details for any selected month and year. This functionality ensures easy record-keeping and sharing of payroll data. Follow the steps below to export past salary details.


Steps to Export Past Salary


Step 1: Go to the HR menu, then select Payroll, and choose Payroll from the sub-menu in the left-hand navigation panel.



Step 2: Click on the More button and select Past Salary Details from the menu.



Step 3: Use the Year drop-down menu to select the relevant year. Then, choose the specific Month for which you want to export the salary details.



Step 4: Click on the Export button to download the past salary details.




Note: Only admins have access to this feature.

By following these steps, you can easily export past salary records in uKnowva HRMS.

Click here to learn about How to generate payslips in uKnowva HRMS

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