How to Post a Job on uKnowva Recruitment Module

Step 1: Fill in all the details according to Company's requirements, Education & Skills requirements, and Finance in the Post a Job sub-menu in the Recruitment M...

How to check My Posted Jobs in uKnowva Recruitment Module

Navigate to the "My Posted Jobs" sub-menu in the Recruitment menu. Here, you will find all the jobs posted by you

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How to Add a Single Candidate or add Candidates Bulk in the uKnowva Recruitment Module

Step 1: You can view all the applicant details, Education, Salary Expectation, Date of Application etc in the Talent pool sub-menu in the Recruitment Menu


How to Add Sources in uKnowva Recruitment Module

The Source feature within uKnowva enables integration with a variety of recruitment channels...

How to Roll Out Offer Letter in uKnowva Recruitment Module

Step 1: Navigate to the "My Applicants" sub-menu in the Recruitment menu. Select the applicant you want to roll out the offer letter to and change the status to "App...

How to check Offer Letter Status in uknowva Recruitment Module

Navigate to the "Offer letter" sub-menu in the Recruitment menu


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How to use the Resource Requisition Form in uKnowva Recruitment Module

Resource Requisition is a formal request or application made by an organization to acquire the necessary resources, such as personnel, equipment, or fund...

How to Schedule an Interview in the uKnowva Recruitment Module

Step 1: Navigate to the "My Applicants" sub-menu in the Recruitment menu. Here, in the "Status" section, select "Interview Scheduled" from the dropdown menu.<...

Release Notes for uKnowva - April 2024

Tags: Web Hook Resignation Query Builder Leave Management Recruitment Workflow



Read more: Release Notes for uKnowva - April 2024

API Penetration Test Summary Report v2.0- April 2024

This report holds the results of the API Penetration Testing performed on Uknowva API’s by the SecIQ security team from 16th April 20...

How to create an Admin account in uKnowva HRMS


Making an Existing User an Admin

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How does the Business Unit Head rate in the uKnowva performance module?

In the uKnowva performance module, the Business Head plays a crucial role in evaluating employee performance and normalizing the appraisal process. Serving as the primary authority, the ...

How to Finalise Team Ratings in uKnowva performance module

Finalized Team Ratings in the uKnowva performance module streamline the process of consolidating and approving performance ratings across teams. With this feature, managers can efficien...

How to check Rating status of all Business Heads in the uKnowva performance module

"Business Head Rating Status" allows admin to efficiently monitor the rating status of all Business Heads within the uKn...

How to Rate my Team in the uKnowva performance module?

Step 1: Go to the left-hand-side menu -> My performance -> Rate My Team

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How to check KRA Status for all users in the uKnowva performance module?

"KRA Status for all users" is a feature in uKnowva HRMS where the Admin/ Reporting Manager can view the status of KRAs of their employees. This feature typically provides a summary o...

How to Rate Myself in the uKnowva performance module?

In the uKnowva PMS, employees can assess their own performance across KRAs, competencies, and a self-appraisal questionnaire in the "Rate Myself" module. This feature empowers employees...

How to check Appraisal Status of All Users in the uKnowva performance module?

"Appraisal Status of All Users" refers to a feature in uKnowva HRMS where Admin/ Reporting Manager can access, review or rol...

How To Roll out Appraisal in the uKnowva performance module?

HR Manager creates the Appraisal type and Rolls Out Appraisals. Employees rate themselves and submit their ...