Simplified timesheet: Track billable hours for each project, client, and team members on uKnowva effortlessly.

Keeping track of tasks, projects, and billable hours is crucial for productivity and project success. With uKnowva's timesheet module, you can streamline the process of recording your work hours, managing projects, and overseeing your team's productivity effortlessly.

This step-by-step guides on how to navigate through the various features of the Timesheet module, empowering you to effectively manage client details, project specifics, and your own timesheet entries. From filling your daily timesheet to analysing timesheet data and identifying incomplete records, this module offers a range of functionalities to enhance your time management practices.

By leveraging this timesheet module, you can:

  • Easily track and record your work hours across different projects and clients.
  • Ensure accurate billing and invoicing by maintaining detailed timesheet records.
  • Monitor your team's productivity and project progress in real-time.
  • Access actionable insights from the analytics and reports for data-driven decisions.
  • Streamline administrative tasks related to timesheet management, such as editing and importing timesheets.

Whether you're a team member striving to optimise your time allocation or a manager seeking to enhance team efficiency, our Timesheet module equips you with the tools you need to streamline your workflow and maximise productivity.

Dive into this tutorial to discover how you can harness the power of our timesheet module for seamless time management and project success.


Table of Contents

®     Managing client details

®     Managing project details

®     Filling your timesheet

®     Checking your team’s timesheet

®     Editing team’s timesheet

®     Diving into timesheet analytics

®     Identifying incomplete timesheets

®     Importing timesheet

®     Checking your utilization hours

®     Checking your team’s utilization hours


Managing client details


Go to the Client sub-menu from the Timesheet main menu on the left side of the panel.

Find the list of all your current clients for whom there are multiple projects that you and your team might be managing or working on.

The page will have details like No. of the clients, Name of the clients, and status to show whether the client is officially published in the system.

Click on the Pen icon under the Action section of any particular client to change, review, edit, or update their details. So, when you click the icon, you will be redirected to another page.

Check, edit, or update the details like the client’s name, contact number, email ID, status of the client, and upload the agreement with the client if you have it with you. Add more details in the Other Details box as a reminder or note for future interactions with the client.

Click the Save button at the page’s bottom to update the details.

Go back to the Client page. Find the + button at the top right corner. It takes you to the same page like the one you were editing before for updating client information.

However, you will be filling in the details the first time to add a fresh client.

So, when you’re done adding the details, click Submit, and the new client will be reflected in the Client list.

Otherwise, you can click the Import button, next to the + icon for uploading a CSV file of your clients. This is an easier and faster way of adding multiple clients in the list at once.

Click the dedicated Export button at the top of the page to download the existing list of clients to your computer for further auditing or reviewing purposes.


Managing project details


To find and manage the list of your project, click Projects, the sub-menu, under the Timesheet main menu.

Get a tabular view of the projects on the page that loads in the centre of your screen. It will most likely show you the results like no. of the projects, project name, client (internal/external), status of the project, etc.

Edit the project details by clicking the Pen icon under the Action section. The new page loads and here are all details related to the project you’ve chosen to edit. The details might and mostly likely include:

  • Project name
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Project manager’s name
  • Client detail
  • Description of the project
  • Published and billable status
  • Agreement to be uploaded
  • Reimbursement to be levied on the client or not

The fields may vary according to the default settings set up by the system admin here on this page. However, whenever you’re done editing the project details, click Save. Find this at the bottom of the page.

Go back to the Projects page and click the + icon at the top right side for adding new projects to the system. The action takes you to the similar above as previously edited. This time, you will be adding the project details from scratch.

In fact, the page will have another section dedicated to Project Managers, because you are adding them for the first time in a new project that you’re creating.

Under this section, you have to assign a project manager, and choose their start and end date.

At the top right side of this section, you will find a + icon to add more than one project manager to a project.

Once you’re done filling the information, click Submit. The new project shall be reflected on the previous listicle page of all your project details.

When you’re back on the project page, select multiple projects with the tick boxes before the project number and name.

Then, find the Dustbin icon/button right next to the + icon. Click it to delete all the selected projects at once. This happens in cases when the selected projects have expired and are no longer required to be stored into the system

Now, you can either import a new list of projects or export the current project list when you either click on the Import or Export button at the top right side of this page to carry out the actions individually.

For filtering the page view, you have the Funnel icon/button at the extreme top-right corner of the page. Click it to filter the current list of your projects on the basis of Project, Client, Project Manager, etc.

Click Search once you’re done choosing the filters and have to see the updated page view. Click Reset to go back to the default project page view.


Filling your timesheet


Go to the Timesheet sub-menu under the Timesheet main menu to start filing your timesheet for the day, against every project you’re currently working on.

When you go to the Timesheet page, find the proper date format including Year, Month, Week, and Start to End Date to filter the page view after clicking the Search button. Otherwise click Reset and go back to the original view.

To fill your timesheet, go to the next section of the page. It will reflect a colour-coded timesheet for every day. You will get the explanation of each colour at the bottom of the page if one of the particular days is coloured in a different colour to make the filling of the timesheet easier to understand.

Also, you can see a week’s timesheet at once. There are < and > arrow buttons at the top of this section, right next to the total hours column. Click these to toggle the timesheet’s view for the previous or the next week.

Come back to the present week to start filling your timesheet.

Choose the client’s name from the drop-down menu and the same with the project name from the project’s drop-down menu. Select the client’s name first before the project name.

Write down the number of hours, in the blank boxes dedicated to each date, you’ve worked for this client’s project.

You will not be able to add your hours on a public holiday or a day when you’re on leave. The system integrates smartly that way with your leaves and attendance records.

There is a + icon at the end of the total working hours. Click it to add another client and project you’ve worked on in the same week. Add hours in front of their dates as you did with the other client and project.

You can also write down a brief description of each working day by clicking on the three dots besides every working day.

If you want to delete a timesheet record, which you might have entered by mistake, there is an x button, right next to the + icon. Click on it to delete the selected timesheet record.

You can continue to add multiple clients and projects if you’re working on these in a particular week. The page will calculate the total number of hours you’ve worked for on each day and for the entire week to give you and your reporting manager an overview of your billable hours.

Once you complete your timesheet details, it will be forwarded to your immediate approver or reporting manager for approving the billable hours.


Checking your team’s timesheet


Go to My Team’s Timesheet sub-menu from the Timesheet main menu.

The page gives you fields like the client’s name and project name to choose from at the top of the page. Click Select to filter My Team’s Timesheet page according to the chosen client and their projects.

You can click the Funnel button to add more filters like Year, Month, Week, etc.

Otherwise, click Reset to go back to the original view of My Team’s Timesheet page.

Onto the next section of the page, you will see all the billable hours filled by your team, which includes your timesheet records as well. This timesheet is also colour-coded. All the colours are explained at the bottom of the page.

Click on the < and > buttons at the top right corner of this section, next to the total hours column, to verify or monitor your team’s recorded timesheets for the previous week or the next week.

On the right side of the page, you can see the total hours worked per week. On the other hand, at the bottom of the page, you see the total hours worked by everyone on a particular day. This gives you a holistic view of the hours to be billed for the day or the week.


Editing team’s timesheet


Go to the Edit Timesheet sub-menu, which you will find under the Timesheet main menu.

Filter the page view that loads based on fields like Employee name, Year, Month, Start Date, etc. Choose the fields and click Select to get a filtered page of your choice.

Click Reset to go back to the default page view.

Once you’ve selected the team member, you can go on and edit their timesheet in the next section of this page. It highlights all the clients and projects they are working on for the current week.

You can add or remove the client or project details in their timesheet by clicking the + or x icon in front of an entry.

Click the < and > buttons at the top right corner of this section to toggle the view of the current timesheet for the team member and go back to the previous week or the next week’s timesheet for editing purposes.

This section of the timesheet to edit is also colour-coded, with their individual explanation listed at the bottom of this page.


Diving into timesheet analytics


Go to the Day-to-Day timesheet from the Timesheet main-menu. View this page for accessing raw and analytical format of the timesheet data. In the Draw data view, find columns of the no. of hours worked, no. of man hour cost, etc., for each day recorded in the timesheet.

This tabular format will also highlight the project manager and employee name for each client and their project worked on a particular day.

You have the Copy icon at the top of this section to copy the entire list and paste it in your Excel workbooks for further calculations or audits. You can also click Print to print out this page. Otherwise, click the Export button at the extreme right corner to download the sheet of the currently visible raw data of the timesheet

Switch to the Analytics view of the page, available right next to the Raw Data view option.

The analytics view represents itself with graphs and charts regarding the projects, clients, no. of hours worked, etc. Find the three straight lines at the top right corner of each graph or chart to have options like:

  • View in full-screen
  • Print the chart
  • Download the image in PNG/JPEG/PDF or any other formats

Click the Funnel button or icon, visible to you at the top right corner of the page.

It lets you filter the current page view depending on the user, search bar for keywords, client, project, and deadlines. Click Search once you’ve selected all the fields required to filter the current page view. Click Reset to toggle back to the original view.


Identifying incomplete timesheets


Go to the Incomplete Timesheet sub-menu from the Timesheet main menu.

The page that loads shows you the entire list of defaulters, including the name of the employee, their designation, and the days on which they didn’t record their timesheet.

Click the Export button/icon at the top of the page to download this sheet and reach out to individuals in your team personally. Click the Funnel icon if you wish to toggle the page view as per the selected users, project timeline, etc.

Click Search once you’ve selected the fields and click Reset to go back to the original incomplete timesheet page view.


Importing timesheet


If you’ve a timesheet in the Excel workbook that you want to upload, you can do so by finding the Import Timesheet sub-menu or option in the Timesheet main menu.

Click on it and a new window appears.

The window has a sample template file, which you can download to crosscheck if you’re maintaining the timesheet for yourself or yourself the same way or not. If not, make the required changes and click Choose File on this pop-up window.

Then, proceed by uploading the CSV file of the timesheet you want to import into the system. After that, the updated data shall be reflected in each individual’s timesheet who was mentioned in your CSV file. You can go back to your timesheet or your team’s timesheet to verify the updates.


Checking your utilization hours


Go to the My Utilization page or sub-menu. Find it under the Timesheets main menu.

This page has an Analytics and Data view of the hours utilized on a client or project.

When you are on the Analytics view, you will see a strip of snippets on insights like:

  • No. of hours worked
  • No. of projects
  • No. of clients you’re managing
  • The total utilization of your working hours in percentage

Now, these snippets may vary depending on the default settings chosen and set up by the system admin.

Just below this section, you will find charts and graphs, giving various insights into the utilization of your working hours according to the timesheets filled by you.

Each graph has a three-line button at the top right corner, giving you options to:

  • View the bar or chart in the full-screen
  • Print the selected chart
  • Download the selected chart in various formats like PNG, JPEG, PDF, etc.

When you switch over to the Data view of this page, you will just get the entire month’s timesheet data in a tabular format. This shows how many hours you’ve recorded or punched into your timesheet for each client and project each day of the month.

At the top of this My Utilization page, you have the option that allows you to download the entire data by clicking the Export button. Also, filter the page view when you click the Funnel icon or button.

Get fields like the from date, to date, client, and project, etc., to filter this page after clicking Select. Otherwise, go back to the original view by clicking Reset.


Checking your team’s utilization hours


Go to the My Team Utilization page to check the hours worked by your team members in total. Find and click this page from the Timesheet main menu.

This page is divided into two different views: Analytics and Data view.

Let’s talk about the analytics view first.

Go to the Analytics section by clicking on its name.

Find a few snippets of insights on the hours worked by your team members at the topmost section of this view. Such insights might include:

  • No. of hours
  • No. of projects
  • No. of clients
  • Total utilization of hours for your team members in percentage

The insights here may vary as per the settings configured by your super admin.

The next section of this page shows you various graphs or charts. Each chart or graph has a three-line button at the top right corner.

Click on it to have options like:

  • View the selected chart in the full-screen
  • Print the chart
  • Download the chart in selected formats like PDF, JPEG, PNG, etc.

Switch to the Data view by clicking the Data next to the Analytics in the top centre of the page.

This page view shows you the data of your team’s man-hours for each day of the month. It will show you the employee’s name, client, and project name before the hours worked for the month.

At the top right corner of the page, you have the option to download the given list and data in a CSV file by clicking Export. Additionally, filter the page view by clicking the Funnel . button. It is available right next to the Export button.

You get to choose fields like the from date, to date, client name, member name, project name, etc., to filter the page view after clicking Select. Go back to the original analytics or data view by clicking Reset.

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