Effortless offer letter management: Edit, email, export, etc., with uKnowva!

The offer letter management module helps a recruiter streamline the process of extending job offers to candidates, ensuring a smooth and efficient hiring experience. The streamlined distribution of offer letters eliminates manual errors and delays, and reduces administrative burden.

This module allows recruiters to easily customise offer letters according to the specific needs of the role. It ensures that all necessary details, such as job responsibilities, compensation packages, and other terms of employment, are accurately included.

This not only enhances the professionalism of the hiring process but also provides transparency to candidates, fostering a positive impression of the organisation.

Furthermore, offer letter management helps in maintaining compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. So, check all the steps below to manage offer letters carefully when leveraging the uKnowva instance.


Table of Contents

®   Overview of the Offer Letters page

®   Editing and previewing the offer letter

®   Mailing the offer letter

®   Sending preboarding Mail

®   Downloading offer letter

®   Adding a candidate

®   Importing candidates

®   Filtering the page view


Overview of the Offer Letters page

Find the Offer Letter menu on the left panel and click on it to get on the Offer Letter page. Details like Candidate Name, Actions, Candidate Email, Job Title, Expected DOJ, Offer Letter Status, etc., will be highlighted here.


Editing and previewing the offer letter

Select the Eye button in front of a selected candidate, under the Action section.

The preview page opens. Select a particular template of the offer letter from the Select Template section if your organisation has saved a bunch of other templates in the past. Otherwise, scroll down to begin editing the given offer letter template. Click Submit once you’re done editing to update the changes in the letter.


Mailing the offer letter

Now, go back to the Offer Letters page. Find and click the mail icon under the Action section in front of the selected candidate to whom you want to send the letter from the same portal.

A Mail Offer Letter pop-up window appears.

You can add or remove the Accept and Deny offer letter options in the editor that appears in front of you. Make final changes if you want to. Then, click Send to send the offer letter email to the chosen candidate.

The Offer Letter status automatically changes from Rolled Out to Accepted or Rejected by the candidate once they click any of the buttons in the letter emailed to them.


Sending the Preboarding Mail

Once you know that the candidate has Accepted the offer, come back to this Offer Letters page.

Find the three dots under the Action section. Click those to find more options. One of those is Send Preboard Mail. Click on it, and the window will ask you for confirmation on sending the email.

Once you hit OK, the system automatically sends the preboarding email to the selected candidate on your behalf.


Downloading offer letter

You may wish to download the offer letter of a candidate to cross check the details or for further auditing and compliance requirements. So, go back to the Offer Letters page. Click on the three dots in front of the chosen candidate under the Action section.

Find the Download Offer Letter option. The PDF file will download to your system automatically.


Adding a Candidate

You may manually want to add a candidate into the system to send and manage their offer letter afterward. So, go to the Offer Letters page. Find the + icon at the top right corner. Click on it, and it will take you to another page to add a single candidate.

Find details like Basic info, profile info, and salary details here. Add these candidate details, and then click Save.

Go back to the Offer Letters page, and you will find this candidate added to the log.


Importing Candidates

Now choose another option, Import Candidates. It is located at the top right corner of the Offer Letters page, right next to the + icon we explored earlier. Click on it, and it takes you to another page of the Bulk Upload CV.

The Bulk Upload CV page has an Import CSV File tab. It also lets you Download Sample Zip File when you click on the same button. You can give a Job Title and Source to the CSV file you will be uploading in case you’re uploading multiple CVs of the same job profile or title.

The bottom of the page has the option named Drag Your File. You can drop or drag your CSV file here to start adding candidates in bulk for the same job title in seconds.

You can choose another way to manually upload or add a candidate by swiping to the Manual Import tab of the Bulk Upload CV.

Click on the Add New button. It is at the top of this page to add multiple candidates.

Then, begin to manually fill in the fields of each candidate. Click the Save button in blue, located at the bottom of the page, when you're done adding.

The new candidates will be reflected on the Offer Letters page when you go back.


Filtering the page view

When you’re back at the Offer Letters page, click the More Filters button located at the top. Now, you can filter the page view according to Candidate name, Offer Letter Status, Offer Letter Given From, Offer Letter Given to, etc.

Click the Search button once you’re sure of the filters you’ve added to change the page view.

Click Reset to go back to the default page view.

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