
The Knowledge section contains all articles that have been posted by users of uKnowva. These articles belong to a variety of technical and non-technical subjects and are a great help to anyone who is looking for help. 

The Knowledge section is a discussion forum where knowledge is shared. This section is extremely interactive where members can view articles, reply to them, thank the author for the article and subscribe to topics and categories.

Recent Topics

When you click “Knowledge,” the “Recent Topics” page opens.

This page displays all the recently posted topics from the latest posted to the earliest posted. The user can decide how recent the displayed topics should be. For this purpose, 2 filters have been provided. The user can filter the recent topics according to time and/or category.



“Index” displays all the categories and sub-categories of topics posted in the network. This view provides a summary of the statistics of each category such as “Last Post By,” and the number of topics and replies.


Posting a New Topic

Any user can create a new topic and post in the network. To do this:

  1. Click “New Topic”
  2. Enter the required details and the topic content
  3. Attach files, if any
  4. If required, subscribe to the topic
  5. Click “Submit”

My Topics

“My Topics” displays all posts by the currently logged in user. This list can also be filtered according to time and/or category. To access this page, click “My Topics” on the right-hand side of the options bar.


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