Exit management: Smoother goodbyes with uKnowva’s structured resignation module

Employees resign from a firm for reasons like better job opportunities, migration to another country, unsuitable or unfavourable workplace conditions, or better pay opportunities. However, a streamlining module in uKnowva helps a user put forward the request to resign with clarity and without losing track of the approval.

Know about managing the resignation module below for a smoother exit management experience.

Table of Content

1. Resigning from the Organisation

Find and click on the My Resignation sub-menu from the Resignation menu in the left panel.

Details like Employee Name, notice period, Last Day of Work, and Requested day of Work will be highlighted here. Also, find the Reason for Leaving details here.

Click the drop-down menu under this section to select the reason for your leaving the organisation.



Your organisation’s super admin might add or delete more options here as per the policy.

Select the white box below if you do not wish to serve the notice period with reasons in the comment box.

Find a section of Remarks at the end of the page.

Write any other remarks while resigning to give the approver more clarity. Click Submit to finally submit your resignation to the reporting manager or the approver. You can find who you report to on the right-hand side of this page.


2. Reviewing your team member’s resignation

Find the option My Team’s Resignation to review your team’s resignation from the Resignation main menu of the left side panel.

Get the list of all employees in your team who have submitted a resignation request. Check their data of joining, designation, employee code, names, proposed lasting working date, and status of their resignation request in a tabular format.


Then, there is the Action column in the same table. When you click the Eye button, a new page loads to show all the previously stated resignation details of a team member in greater detail.


On this page, you can always revise your team member’s last working day by clicking the Pen icon in front of it. That is when the resignation has been either approved or just submitted.

Also, in the next section of this page, you can put the manager's remarks while revising the last working day and mention who must be the one to take the handover from the departing team member.

Then you can continue to click the Accept/Reject button to continue the process of offboarding.

To start with the Exit Clearances, click the Initiate button, and it will start sending automated reminders to department heads to approve exit clearances from their end. In fact, you can come to this page to know which departments have given their clearance and which of those are still pending for final approvals.

Once all clearances are done, you can move to the next part of offboarding, that is to schedule an exit interview from the same page of the selected departing employee. In fact, the last section of the page shows you whether the Exit interview is still pending, in process, or has been completed.

Now go back to the My Team Resignation page and find three dots under the Action column next to the Eye button. Click these dots and find more options like:

Exit clearance: Click on it and move to a new page to review, check, or edit your team member’s exit clearance details.


Update resignation details: Click on this option to update your team member’s resignation details, such as their last working date, status update of their resignation, and reasons to leave from the pop-up window.


Delete: Click this option to delete the resignation entry from this page.

Delete FNF: Click this option to delete the FNF details of the departing employee.


Other than these actions, you have the Import CSV file button at the top left corner to click and upload the CSV file of the latest resignations manually. Then, you can export the current details and entries in your My Team Resignation page by clicking the Export button next to the Import button.


Filter the page view by clicking the Funnel at the top of the page. Select options like Reason, Designation, From, To, Status, etc., to change the page view after clicking Search. Turn back to the original view when you click Reset.


3. Managing exit clearance departments

Manage the exit clearance departments when you click on the Exit Clearance Departments option from the Resignation menu button at the left side of the panel.

Get to this page and find departments names who are required to give their approvals on resignation submitted by an employee of your team. The tabular format also highlights the stakeholder of each such department to give the approval on clearances for the departing employee. Also, check the origin of these departments in the same table.


Under the Action column of this same table, you get two options. When you see a green tick mark in front of a department, it means that department is published and registered on the system. Click on it to unpublish the same.

When you see a red cross mark in front of a department, it means it has already been unpublished. Click on it to publish it again.

Then click on the Pen icon in front of any department to edit its details that are given on a new page that loads.

Here, on this page, you can change the name of the department, status, clearance stakeholder and whether these are liable for exit interviews or not.

The HTML code below allows you to edit the exit clearance form. You can edit, add, and/or delete questions to be listed for the departing candidate.


Once you’re done with all the changes, scroll down and click Save. Otherwise, click Cancel to restart.

Now, go back to the Exit Clearance Departments page. Find the Add Departments button at the top right corner to add new departments to your system. Click on it and be taken to the new page where you can add a new department’s details like:

  • Department name
  • Status
  • Exit interview compulsory or not
  • Stakeholders category

Once done, scroll the page and click Save to update the new department or click Cancel to restart.


4. Managing exit clearances

To access all your clearance requests in one place, find and click the Exit Clearance Request sub-menu from the Resignation main menu.


The page loads and lists all the important necessary details, like the Name of the requester, Action to be taken, employee code, clearance department, designation, date of joining, resigned on, last working date, status of the exit clearance.

Click the Eye button under the Action section to review the resignation details of the selected employee.

Check details like how many levels of clearance have been approved to date, which departments have been given the clearance, which ones are pending, whom does the employee report to, remarks left by their reporting manager and HR managers, the person whom the KT (Knowledge Transfer) has been assigned to, etc. Also, get details on whether the exit interview has been pending or not on the same page.


Go back to the Exit Clearance Request page. Select the tick mark icon next to the Eye button.You will be redirected to a new page where you have to give the clearance from your end.

Check all the assets according to your department and mark Yes/No/NA to start the clearance process. Leave the comment in the comment box next to it if you have any remarks or comments.

Scroll the page and click Submit to give approval from your end for the selected resignation request.


Go back to the Exit Clearance Request page and find the Funnel button at the top. Click it to filter this pageview according to Department, Status, Designation, Location, etc.

Click Submit once you’re done choosing the fields to filter the page view.

Click Reset when you want to go back to the original or default view of the page.

The fields here may differ as your organisation’s super admin sets them up.

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