Exit management: Smoother goodbyes with uKnowva’s structured resignation module

Employees resign from a firm for reasons like better job opportunities, migration to another country, unsuitable or unfavourable workplace conditions, or better pay opportunities. However, a streamlining module in uKnowva helps a user put forward the request to resign with clarity and without losing track of the approval.

Some of the common leave types include Know about managing the resignation module below for a smoother exit management experience.

Resigning from the Organisation using My Resignation sub-menu

My Resignation

Find and click on the My Resignation sub-menu from the Resignation menu in the left panel.

Details like Employee Name, notice period, Last Day of Work, and Requested day of Work will be highlighted here. Also, find the Reason for Leaving details here.

Click the drop-down menu under this section to select the reason for your leaving the organisation.


Your organisation’s super admin might add or delete more options here as per the policy.

Find a section of Remarks at the end of the page.

Write any other remarks while resigning to give more clarity to the approver. Click Submit to finally submit your resignation to the reporting manager or the approver. Find who you report to at the right-hand side of this page.

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