Release Notes for uKnowva - September 2022

The uKnowva team has released new features, and major UI & UX improvements in the recruitment engine, payroll, and reporting tool. With new feature updates, the uKnowva team has also resolved bugs and has done critical core enhancements.


1. Recruitment engine

  • Offer letter acceptance via mail: Now candidates can accept/deny an offer letter released from the uKnowva recruitment module via mail. Candidates will be asked for relevant reasons in case they deny the offer and the HR managers will be notified about the user's action (acceptance/decline).

  • uKnowva recruitment module has come up with a new look in the latest release. The new UI makes the overall user experience better and offers HR and Hiring managers the most relevant information at one glance.
  • Offer letter released is now visible under the candidate details page as well. This will help the HR managers to track and keep a record of the offer letter released to individual users


2. Workflow Engine

  • The new workflow engine will by default install the offer letter workflow. The offer letter workflow will allow the setting of an approval workflow for an offer letter before they are released to a candidate.
  • New filter option on "My pending request" page.

3. Payroll

  • Addition of copy salary structure button under payroll

  • Additional reason field is added if the salary is kept on hold
  • Addition of Prev / next button on extra earnings and deduction
  • UI improvement: Addition of Year option while extracting salary report
  • Bug fix in assigned salary 

4. Reporting Tool

  • More default reports are available in the uKnowva reporting tool.
  • Now send reports/schedule reports to individual users with the new CC option in the uKnowva reporting tool.

  • Bug fix in deploy report as API

5. Leaves

  • Apply two different leaves on the same day
  • UI improvement under my leave history and my team's leave history to incase of half-day leaves


6. Core

  • Acknowledgement plugin: Dynamic menu, Additional option to add multiple policies has been given in this plugin, additional setting to admins on how to redirect user after acknowledge and allow forcefully to accept the policy.
  • Additional validation added in uKnowva drag and drop forms
  • Notify users: The notify user in uKnowva will now notify users with the users' profile fields as well.
  • Bug Fix: User import/export in uKnowva will work even for usernames having special chars

7. Exit management UX update

8. KRA Enhancements

9. uKnowva profile field manager now allows multiple inputs under input type "table input"

10. uKnowva support portal UX enhancements


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