This feature allows HR leaders and admins to easily access and search for department details using filters like department name, code, or status.
It is essential for managing organizational structures, verifying information, and ensuring smooth communication across teams. By providing quick access to department data, it simplifies workforce planning and supports efficient decision-making.
Accessing departments list
To begin accessing departments, navigate to the side navigation panel and click on the "HR" menu. Within this menu, select the "Masters" sub-menu, which will expand to display multiple options.
From the list, click on "Departments" to access the section where all department-related records are maintained.
Searching for specific departments
At the top of the department management page, you will find a search field where you can enter specific keywords to locate particular departments quickly.
Next to the search field, there are "Search" and "Reset" buttons that allow you to refine or clear your search results.
Viewing the entire list of departments
Below these options, the existing list of departments is displayed under columns such as "Department Name," "Action," "Department Code," and "Published."
That’s it!
You’ve learned how to access, view, and search for specific departments in your uKnowva HRMS instance.
If you have any questions or need additional support, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..