Accessing, viewing, and searching for existing company details in uKnowva HRMS

Learn how to navigate and locate company details stored in uKnowva HRMS. This tutorial will help you efficiently search and view company information for better management and decision-making.

To access the company management section, navigate to the side navigation panel and click on the "HR" menu.

From the available options, select the "Masters" sub-menu, which will expand further to reveal additional settings.

Click on "Company" to open the interface where you can view, add, or manage company details.

At the top of the screen, you will find a search field where you can enter keywords to locate specific company records.

Next to this field, there are "Search" and "Reset" buttons, allowing you to filter and reset the displayed list accordingly.

Below this section, a list of existing company records is displayed under columns such as Company Name, Action, and Company Address.

That’s it!

You’ve successfully learned how to access, view and search for existing company details in uKnowva HRMS.


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