How to set KRA of any user in uKnowva performance module?

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NOTE: There are two ways to set KRA, one is by you can set Kra by "Set KRA for my team" menu and second way is by "KRA templates" menu.

If KRA is same for many employees then create template of the "KRA" option menu or else if KRA is different for many employees then follow the "Set KRA for my team option " menu option


To create KRA templates:

Step 1: Go to left-hand-side menu -> My performance -> KRA templates.


Step 2: Click on add button provide templates name, accessible to , KRA fields and competencies filed


Step 3: Click on save button to set KRA for users.


To set KRA for any user :

Step 1: Go to left-hand-side menu -> My performance -> set KRA for my team


Step 2: select the user you wish to set KRA for and click on "set KRA" button


Step 3: If you wish to set templates for that use then select template option which is displayed below name.  



Step 4: Give KRA/competences fields its Type and remark and weightage.

NOTE : Make sure weightage for KRA and competences should be 100 % mandatory.


Step 5: Click on save button to set KRA for that user.

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