
The UWVD Exit Report summarizes the reasons for employee departures and trends in turnover, providing insights for improving retention strategies.

What do we get:
Columns such as ID, Username, Email, Manager, Designation, and many more will inherit from the Users_Master data source, ensuring that all fields in the Users_Master data are also part of this data source, thereby maintaining consistency and accuracy across employee records. . The following columns are included in this report:

Employee Notice Period Duration of the notice period for the employee.
Emp Id Unique identifier for the employee.
Reporting Manager Name of the reporting manager for the employee.
Bu Head Business unit head associated with the employee.
Reason Notice Reason provided by the employee for leaving.
Revised Reason Updated reason for the employee's departure.
Serve Indicates if the employee will serve the notice period.
Filter Date Date filter for the report.
Tentative Date Estimated date of exit.
Tentative Date Revised Revised estimated exit date.
Tentative Date Old Previous estimated exit date.
Tentative Date On Nwd Date of tentative exit on the notice week date.
Notice Action Actions taken regarding the notice.
Reason For Extension Reason for extending the notice period.
Waiveoff Indicates if the notice period is waived off.
Subordinate Assign Details of any subordinate assignments.
Level Employee level within the organization.
Exit Status Current status of the exit process.
Comments Additional comments regarding the exit.
Escalated Indicates if the exit process has been escalated.
Hrspocresign HR responsible for the resignation process.
Accepted By Name of the person who accepted the resignation.
Manager Accept Date Date on which the manager accepted the resignation.
Exit Interview Employee Information regarding the exit interview.
Exit Interview Employee Status Status of the exit interview.
Created By User who created the exit report.
Created On Date when the report was created.
Modified By User who last modified the report.
Modified On Date when the report was last modified.
Exit Clearance Status Status of the exit clearance process.
Remarks Additional remarks regarding the exit.
Year Year of the exit.
Month Year Month and year of the exit.
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