View - uwvd_exit_report
The UWVD Exit Report summarizes the reasons for employee departures and trends in turnover, providing insights for improving retention strategies.
What do we get:
Columns such as ID, Username, Email, Manager, Designation, and many more will inherit from the Users_Master data source, ensuring that all fields in the Users_Master data are also part of this data source, thereby maintaining consistency and accuracy across employee records. The following columns are included in this report:
Field | Description |
Employee Notice Period | Duration of the notice period for the employee. |
Emp Id | Unique identifier for the employee. |
Reporting Manager | Name of the reporting manager for the employee. |
Bu Head | Business unit head associated with the employee. |
Reason Notice | Reason provided by the employee for leaving. |
Revised Reason | Updated reason for the employee's departure. |
Serve | Indicates if the employee will serve the notice period. |
Filter Date | Date filter for the report. |
Tentative Date | Estimated date of exit. |
Tentative Date Revised | Revised estimated exit date. |
Tentative Date Old | Previous estimated exit date. |
Tentative Date On Nwd | Date of tentative exit on the notice week date. |
Notice Action | Actions taken regarding the notice. |
Reason For Extension | Reason for extending the notice period. |
Waiveoff | Indicates if the notice period is waived off. |
Subordinate Assign | Details of any subordinate assignments. |
Level | Employee level within the organization. |
Exit Status | Current status of the exit process. |
Comments | Additional comments regarding the exit. |
Escalated | Indicates if the exit process has been escalated. |
Hrspocresign | HR responsible for the resignation process. |
Accepted By | Name of the person who accepted the resignation. |
Manager Accept Date | Date on which the manager accepted the resignation. |
Exit Interview Employee | Information regarding the exit interview. |
Exit Interview Employee Status | Status of the exit interview. |
Created By | User who created the exit report. |
Created On | Date when the report was created. |
Modified By | User who last modified the report. |
Modified On | Date when the report was last modified. |
Exit Clearance Status | Status of the exit clearance process. |
Remarks | Additional remarks regarding the exit. |
Year | Year of the exit. |
Month Year | Month and year of the exit. |