View - exitinterview_report
The Exit Interview Report gathers feedback from employees during their exit interviews, offering insights into their reasons for leaving and potential areas for organizational improvement.
What do we get:
Columns such as ID, Username, Email, Manager, Designation, and many more will inherit from the Users_Master data source, ensuring that all fields in the Users_Master data are also part of this data source, thereby maintaining consistency and accuracy across employee records. The following columns have been added to provide a detailed overview of the exit interview process:
Field | Description |
Resignation Status | Current status of the resignation process. |
Exit Interview Status | Status of the exit interview completion. |
Reason | Main reasons cited by the employee for leaving. |
Resigned On | The date the employee officially resigned. |
Primary Reasons For Leaving | Specific primary reasons given for the departure. |
Office Culture Survey | Employee's feedback on the office culture. |
Office Relation Survey | Feedback regarding relationships within the office. |
Recruitment Process | Insights into the employee's view of the recruitment process. |
New Employee Orientation | Feedback on the orientation experience for new hires. |
Training Opportunities | Evaluation of available training opportunities. |
Career Development Opportunities | Feedback on career development support provided. |
Employee Morale | Employee’s perspective on overall morale within the organization. |
Recognition For A Job Well Done | Feedback on recognition practices in the company. |
Support Of Work-Life Balance | Assessment of support for work-life balance. |
Field | Description |
Communication Between Management And Employees | Insights on communication effectiveness. |
Concern With Quality And Excellence | Employee's views on quality standards. |
Administrative Policies/Procedures | Feedback on the clarity and effectiveness of policies. |
Provided Efficient Feedback | Assessment of feedback mechanisms in place. |
Recognized Accomplishments | Evaluation of how accomplishments are recognized. |
Communicated Expectations Clearly | Insights on the clarity of communicated expectations. |
Fair And Respectful Treatment | Employee's perception of fairness and respect in treatment. |
Provided Training And Development Opportunities | Assessment of training opportunities available. |
Offered Leadership Initiatives | Feedback on leadership initiatives offered. |
Encouraged Teamwork Cooperation | Insights into the promotion of teamwork and cooperation. |
Resolved Concerns Promptly | Employee’s feedback on issue resolution timeliness. |
Listened To Suggestions Feedback | Assessment of how suggestions are considered. |
Supported Work-Life Balance | Evaluation of support for maintaining work-life balance. |
Provided Appropriate Challenging Assignments | Feedback on the nature of assignments given. |
Provided Appropriate Assignments | Insights into the appropriateness of assignments. |
Agree | Employee agreement with various statements regarding their experience. |
Skill | Insights into the employee's skillset and its alignment with their role. |
Accepted Another Job | Confirmation if the employee has accepted another position. |
What The New Position/Organization Offers That We Do Not | Insights on competitive advantages of the new job. |
Suggest Management For Work Environment | Suggestions for improving the work environment. |
Advice For Your Replacement | Advice given by the employee for their successor. |
Would You Consider Reemployment With Us In Future | Employee's openness to future reemployment. |
Factors Preventing Exit | Insights into factors that could have prevented the employee from leaving. |
You Feel Pressurized To Perform | Assessment of performance pressure experienced by the employee. |
Other Comments Or Suggestions | Additional comments or suggestions provided by the employee. |
Do You Have Any Other Comments Or Suggestions | Invitation for any further comments or suggestions. |
Exit Interview By | Name of the person conducting the exit interview. |
Exit Interview Date | Date on which the exit interview was conducted. |