

Users can upload photos and view other user’s photos in the gallery. The photos uploaded can be work-related or not. The various features and options related to Photos are as follows:

Photo Albums

When you click on Photos under the Network tab, the “Albums” page opens. It displays the albums of all users.


Creating an Album and Uploading Photos

There are two ways of creating an album and uploading photos into it. In the first method,

  1. On the Photos page, click “Create Photo Album”
    Create Album 1
  2. Enter the Name, Description, Location, and set the access rights for the album
  3. Click “Create Album”
    Enter Details
  4. Once created, in the album page, click “Upload Photos”
  5. Click “Add Files” to browse and add photos or Drag and Drop the photos into the designated area.
    Upload Photos

In the second method of creating an album and uploading photos, 

  1. In the Photos page, click “Upload Photos”
  2. Enter the name of the album
  3. Add files by either browsing for them or drag and drop
    Photos Second Method
Deleting Photos and Albums

For deleting photos,

  1. Click the name of the album whose photos you want to delete
  2. Hover the mouse pointer over the photo you want to delete
  3. Click the red icon

For deleting albums,

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the album you want to delete. Three options appear
  2. Click the third option (the red icon)