Checking Your Team’s Leave History

Checking your team’s leave history


Getting a detailed view of your team’s leave history is important to check their availability and commitment to the work. Access it by clicking the Leave History sub-menu from the Team’s main menu.

The page highlights all your team members, their leave types which they applied for, Date, Duration, Status, Applied By, Applied On, Reason, and Comments (shows who approved the leave and when).

Under the Action section, there is an Eye icon. Click it to get into details of a leave applied by a particular member. Here, you get all the details of your team members as shown on the previous page. However, you can also find Attached Proof if any employee has provided that.

Moreover, there’s a grid on the right to represent the current leave balance of that team member. With the details on this page, you can decide faster and more accurately whether you want to approve or reject their leave application.

Go back to the Leave History page. Find and click on the Dustbin icon under the Action section to cancel the leave application.

At the top, find options to Import Leave History and Export to Excel for further proceeding and auditing the leaves data. The last option is a Funnel icon to filter the Leave History page as per specific fields.

Click the Funnel and find fields like From and To dates, User Group, Leave Type, Leave Status, Designation, City/Town, and State. Filter them as per your preference. Then click Select to get the filtered view of the page. Afterward, click Reset to go back to the default view of the page.

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