Release Notes for uKnowva 2.4.3

The uKnowva Team has launched uKnowva 2.4.3 with a new list of features and bug fixes. uKnowva has also released many improvements that promise to make the life of the developer easier. Read on to know what’s new in this version.

New Features

  • Made the following additions with respect to uKnowva Crons:
    • Added Last Cron Activity in System Information under uKnowva Configuration

    • On clicking the date and time, users can also see a log of the cron activity

    • Added a notification on the Global Configuration page if crons are not running on an instance
    • Admin can also select the cron frequency from Global Configuration

  • Added the option to show folders in Latest Documents module
  • Added the class="uf%file.type%" in all the attachment html in uknowvaui. This is used by renderer plugins
  • Added the option to handle 206 HTTP header in embedFile function of UvwdocsFile model. This allows uKnwova to stream large content
  • Introduced a function reportErrorToUknowva in convHelper class which updates uKnowva server about the error through an API. This is a good method to identify and fix recurring and frequent errors
  • Added a new Usergroups configuration parameter to widgets
  • Added link generator in custom messages on the front page too in ajaxAddPredefined() of activities controller in com_community
  • Replaced username with name of the user and also removed the @ in replaceAliasURL() of CLinkGeneratorHelper class
  • Applied the properties of the renderer plugins to mydocs
  • Browser Back and Forward buttons now work on pages in Documents
  • Added the feature where a form will not get submitted till the attachment, if any, is not completely uploaded
  • Empty profile headings (profile categories where the user has not entered any details) are now hidden
  • Disabled overriding the template by editing the URL
  • Poll creator or Admin can now edit Polls from the front end

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug of a broken image displayed in the Add Member option in Groups. The broken image was displayed in case a user had not uploaded an avatar
  • Fixed the issue of the dropdown in Advanced Search not searching according to Role, if the role has sub user groups
  • Fixed the bug in uKnowvaModel::getFromRecentRequest(). Arrays were not getting considered. The issue was fixed by adding this line: $vars = is_array($vars) ? $vars : explode(",",$vars);
  • Fixed the issue of the announcement link in notification email opening the group page instead of the announcement page
  • Fixed the issues of COM_COMMUNITY_GROUPS_BULLETIN_PATHWAY_TITLE coming in breadcrumbs when reading announcements in groups
  • Fixed the bug of sub user groups not being considered when we select certain user groups in Allow Upload Access under Global Configuration
  • Fixed the bug in getSubUserGroups of JUserhelper which returns wrong value when a group does not have any children
  • Fixed the error where linkify was not working for https links

For Our Developers

  • Introduced a new function called belongsToGroup(); in User class. This class checks if a user belongs to the provided group. Simply use it this way: uKnowvaFactory::getUser()belongsToGroup($groupid); This will check for user groups and not community groups. Read more about this class here
  • Cached the function JUserHelper::getSubUserGroups();
  • Added function JUserHelper::getGroupByName() in class JUserHelper. This function gives a user’s group info on the basis of its name
  • Changed the reference of facebook in tokeninput css to ukv so that it is never blocked by any firewall in organizations
  • Minified /media/conv/js/common.js
  • Added multiple="multiple attribute" as default in uKnowvaui::mutiselect();
  • Added the onchange trigger in uKnowvaUI::switchButton();
  • Developers can now get a user’s profile link using the function getProfileLink() in CUser class
  • Added a new event in Joomla login: onUserLoginSuccess which is triggered only after successful login in /libraries/joomla/application/application.php
  • Added code to remove the cache of menus, _system, etc., when a user is edited/added. The code was added in /components/com_cuser/controller.php
  • Introduced a new function linkify( $string , $noFollow = false , $newWindow = false ) under ConvHelper to linkify any text. This function detects URLs in text (like status updates and emails) and automatically links them
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