Easily bulk-import pending investment declarations into your uKnowva HRMS instance, reducing manual data entry and ensuring compliance with tax regulations.
This feature saves HR teams valuable time, minimizes errors, and ensures seamless financial documentation for employees.
The Import button on the List Employees FY Ending 2025 page, that opens when you click View All for a detailed list available on the pending approval page, provides options to bulk upload exemption amounts and declarations using a CSV file.
When clicking on Import Exemption Amount, a pop-up appears with an option to Download Import Template File.
Select a file after you click Choose Your File or Browse button on the same pop-up window. Then, upload it by clicking the Upload File button to update the exemption details.
Similarly, selecting Import Declarations opens a pop-up where users can choose a financial year and select an investment type.
This window also provides a Download Import Template File to templatise the file you wish to upload according to the system’s predefined format.
Once templatised, click on Choose Your File or Browse button and then select the file from the system.
After that, click on the Upload File button and then the system will automatically upload and add your file to the list of pending investment declarations.
That’s it!
You’ve successfully learned how to import investment declaration files pending for approval manually to your dedicated uKnowva HRMS portal.
If you have any questions or need additional support, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..