Importing Skills in uKnowva HRMS

Learn how to import bulk skills data into uKnowva HRMS to save time and ensure efficient record management. This feature allows HR teams to upload multiple skills at once using a structured file format.

To import skills into the system, click on the "Import" button, which will open a pop-up titled "Import Skills Master." 

This option allows you to upload bulk skill data using a .CSV file.

A downloadable template file is available to help you format your data correctly before uploading. To get that file, click on the Download CSV Import Template file button. 

Then click on the Choose Your File or the Browse button to select the templatized file from your system.

Click the "Upload File" button to complete the import process.

That’s it!

You’ve now learned how to import skills into your uKnowva HRMS instance.


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