How to bulk Import/upload candidates in 'Talent Pool'

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1) Login With your uKnowva Account.

2) From the Left menu go to Recruitment -> Talent Pool 

3) Click on the 'Import Bulk Candidate'.

4) Click on 'Download ZIP import Sample file'

4) Right Click on the Downloaded Zip file and select extract to folder option

5) Go to extracted Folder , here you can see 'recruitment_import_candidates.csv' and other documents ( which are sample CV's)

6) Please note : To upload candidates Mandatory fields are - 1) Resume/CV File Name 2) Name 3) Email 4) Mobile except all other are optional fields.file

7) In CSV file , enter candidates information , in first column enter CV name as exact with the file extention as you can see here as cv1.doc , cv2.docx etc.

8) Keep Import file (csv) and candidates CV's in same folder only, select all files and right click and select 'Add to Archive' option.

9) Save it in Zip format.

10) Click on upload file and select zip file to upload.

11) Once you upload file, your candidates will be visible on this page,you can preview them and click on save.

12) On save, your candidates will be saved and visible on Talent pool section.


How to Import bulk candidates against Job

From the left menu go to Recruitment -> 'My Posted Job' here on each job from the avaible option click on 'Import Bulk Candidate' and follow above steps.