How to setup leave policy

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1. Click on "My Leaves" and "Leave Types" and then click on "Add Leave Type"



2. Enter Leave type, Short code of the leave, and total number of leaves to be given in a year.



3. Define whether it is a Paid Leave by clicking on "Yes" and also ensure that the leave is published by clicking on "Yes" in the published option.



4. Define allocation by clicking on drop down. In this case we have selected "Yearly Basis"



5. Calculate before allocation means the leaves will be given on "Pro Rata Basis" . In this case we have selected this as "Yes" as we want our leaves to be allocated on a Pro Rata Basis.



6. Enter minimum and maximum leaves allowed at one point of time.



7. Select the sandwich rule by clicking on "Yes/No". The sandwich rule is if an employee takes holiday on a working Saturday and a working Monday his 3 leaves i.e Saturday Sunday and Monday will be cut. If the sandwich rule is not applicable, only 2 leaves i.e Saturday and Monday will be cut.



8. You can define if the leaves will be carry forward by clicking on "Yes/No" . If you select "Yes" then you will get an option to set the maximum leaves to be carried forward.



9. For conditional leaves click on profile picture and "uKnwova Configuration" 



10. Click on "Apps Manager" and "HRM Lite"



11. Go to 'fields for conditional leaves' in the configuration column and select the conditions for the leaves. You can choose more than one condition in the given field. In this case we will select "Gender" and "Employment Status" as a condition.



12. Then click on "Save" and go to home page.



13. Click on "My Leaves" and "Leave Types" and then click on "Add Leave Type"



14. When you define conditional leaves as "Yes" you will see 2 drop downs. Enter the required details in the drop downs and then click on "Save"



15. You can also edit / delete the leave by hovering over the leave name and clicking on edit /delete button.


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