How to use Probation Confirmation Module in uKnowva HRMS


Here is a step-by-step guide on getting Probation Confirmation Module:


 What is the 'Probation Confirmation Module' ?

The Probation Confirmation Module is a module within uKnowva HRMS system designed to manage the probation assessment process for employees. It facilitates the transition of probationary employees to confirmed status within the organization. The module allows  reporting managers to view a list of employees whose confirmation dates are within a specified number of days, configurable based on company to company. Reporting managers can evaluate the performance of these employees and decide whether to confirm their employment or extend their probation period. If confirmed, a notification is sent to the skip level manager (Manager of Reporting Manager) for final approval. If the reporting manager decides to extend probation, the skip level manager receives a notification for review. If the skip level manager rejects the extension, the employee undergoes reassessment by the reporting manager. Overall, the Probation Confirmation Module streamlines the probation assessment process, ensuring effective evaluation and decision-making for employee confirmation.


Why do I need it?

The Probation Confirmation Module is essential for effectively managing the probation assessment process for new employees within your organization. This module streamlines and automates the evaluation process during the probation period, ensuring timely decisions regarding confirmation or extension. It provides a centralized platform for managers to assess employee performance, make informed decisions, and track confirmation statuses, promoting clarity, transparency, and consistency. Additionally, the module facilitates communication between managers and higher-level stakeholders, such as skip level manager, ensuring appropriate oversight and alignment with organizational objectives. Ultimately, the Probation Confirmation Module enhances HR efficiency, promotes accountability, and contributes to the smooth integration of new hires into the company.


How to use the Probation Assessment Module in uKnowva HRMS?


The Probation Assessment can be used in four scenario:


Scenario 1:

When both the Reporting Manager and the skip level manager (Manager of Reporting Manager) agree to extend the probation period of the employee.


The Reporting Manager clicks on the ‘Evaluate’ button to Evaluate the employee.


The Reporting Manager will set the Score on the bases of Performance, Job Knowledge, Teamwork and Collaboration, Professionalism & Overall Contribution to Organizational Goals.



After setting the Score, Total Score and Average options will automatically appear.


The Reporting Manager will set the duration for the extension of probation. Based on this duration, the extended date will be generated automatically.


After submitting, the Skip Level Manager receives a notification to Approve or to Reject the request of Probation.


In this scenario, if the Skip Level Manager reviews and accepts the request to extend the probation period of the employee made by the Reporting Manager.


The Reporting Manager will subsequently receive the feedback or decision from the Skip Level Manager.


Consequently, the probation of the employee will be sent back to the Reporting Manager for reevaluation.



Scenario 2: 

When the Reporting Manager extends the probation period, but the skip level manager disagrees and decides not to extend it. In this Scenario, the probation assessment goes back to the Reporting Manager for reevaluation.


The Reporting Manager sets the Score & selects the Duration for the extension of probation. Based on this Duration, the extended date will be generated automatically.


After submitting, the Skip Level Manager receives a notification to Approve or to Reject the request of Probation.


In this scenario, if the Skip Level Manager believes that the employee is performing well and does not require an extension of the probation period, he/she will Reject the request.


The Reporting Manager will subsequently receive the feedback or decision from the Skip Level Manager.



Scenario 3: 

When the Reporting Manager confirms the probation period, but the skip level manager disagrees and decides to extend the probation period. In this Scenario, the probation assessment goes back to the Reporting Manager for reevaluation.


The Reporting Manager clicks on "Re-Evaluate."


The Reporting Manager selects the Score & selects the duration for the extension of probation. Based on this duration, the extended date will be generated automatically.


After submitting, the Skip Level Manager receives a notification to Approve or to Reject the request of Probation.


In this scenario, if the Skip Level Manager believes that the employee needs an extension in probation, he/she will Reject the request.


The Reporting Manager will subsequently receive the feedback or decision from the Skip Level Manager.



Scenario 4: 

When both the Reporting Manager and the skip level manager agree that the employee is performing well, they confirm the assessment status.


The Reporting Manager clicks on "Re-Evaluate."


The Reporting Manager selects the Score & selects the duration for the extension of probation. Based on this duration, the extended date will be generated automatically.


After submitting, the Skip Level Manager receives a notification to Approve or to Reject the request of Probation.


In this scenario, if the Skip Level Manager reviews and accepts the request made by the Reporting Manager.


As a result, the employee & the HR Manager  will receive a confirmation email.



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