Released Offers Directory

View name - all_offer_released

The All Offer Released report provides an overview of all job offers extended to candidates within a specific timeframe, helping HR track the status and updates of job offers effectively..

What do we get:
The following columns have been added to enhance the understanding of released offers:


Numbers Represents the total count of offers released during the specified period, providing a quick summary of hiring activity.
Month-Year Indicates the month and year when the offers were released, allowing for time-based analysis and trends.
Ctc Updated Date Specifies the date when the cost to company (CTC) for the offers was last updated, ensuring that all financial information is current.
Offer Status Describes the current status of the offers (e.g., accepted, pending, rejected), facilitating easy tracking of candidate responses.
Filter Date Provides a date range for filtering the report, enabling users to view offers released within specific timeframes for detailed analysis.
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