Incomplete User Profiles Report

View name - BaseIncomplete_Profile

The BaseIncomplete_Profile Report identifies employees with incomplete profile information. This report highlights missing or incomplete data in key fields, ensuring that the employee records are updated and compliant with organizational requirements.

What do we get:
The following columns are included in this report:


ID Unique identifier for each employee.
Username The username used for logging into the system.
Name Full name of the employee.
Email Employee’s email address.
Designation Job title of the employee.
Status Current status of the employee (e.g., active, inactive).
Creation Date Date when the employee profile was created in the system.
Last Login Date The last date the employee logged into the system.
Manager Name of the employee’s manager.
Manager Id Unique identifier for the manager.
Your Views On Our Organization Employee’s feedback or views on the organization.
Date Of Birth Employee’s birth date.
About Me Brief self-description by the employee.
Blood Group Employee’s blood type.
Gender Employee’s gender.
Mobile No Employee’s mobile phone number.
Landline No Employee’s landline phone number.
State Employee’s state of residence.
City Town Employee’s city or town of residence.
Country Employee’s country of residence.
Pin Code Postal code of the employee’s address.
Emergency Contact Person Name of the employee’s emergency contact.
Date Of Joining The date the employee joined the organization.
Aadhar Card Employee’s Aadhar card number.
Pan Card Employee’s PAN card number.
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