Paid and Unpaid Salary Summary

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The Paid/Unpaid Salary Report provides information on salaries that have been paid versus those pending payment, ensuring accurate payroll management and financial reporting

What do we get:
Columns such as ID, Username, Email, Manager, Designation, and many more will inherit from the Users_Master data source, ensuring that all fields in the Users_Master data are also part of this data source, thereby maintaining consistency and accuracy across employee records. . The following columns have been added for clarity in salary reporting:

Month Specifies the month for which the salary report is generated.
Year Indicates the year corresponding to the salary report.
Days In Month Total number of days in the specified month.
Paid Days Number of days the employee has been paid for.
Unpaid Days Number of days the employee has not been paid for.
Total Earnings The total amount earned by the employee for the month.
Total Deductions The total deductions applicable to the employee's salary for the month.
Total Salary The net salary after adding earnings and subtracting deductions.
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