
Purpose: The Exit Cases Report provides detailed information regarding employee exits, including reasons for departure and relevant timelines. This report is essential for HR to analyze exit trends and address retention issues.

What do we get:
Columns such as ID, Username, Email, Manager, Designation, and many more will inherit from the Users_Master data source, ensuring that all fields in the Users_Master data are also part of this data source, thereby maintaining consistency and accuracy across employee records. The following columns have been added to enhance the understanding of exit cases:


Exit Notice Period Indicates the duration of notice an employee is required to give before leaving the organization.
Emp Id A unique identifier for each employee, essential for tracking records.
Reporting Manager Identifies the manager to whom the employee reports, facilitating communication during the exit process.
Bu Head Refers to the Business Unit Head overseeing the employee’s department.
Reason Notice Captures the reason provided by the employee for their departure.
Revised Reason Shows any changes to the initial reason given for leaving.
Serve Indicates whether the employee is serving their notice period.
Tentative Date The expected date of the employee's departure.
Tentative Date Revised Any updates made to the tentative departure date.
Tentative Date Old The previously scheduled departure date before any revisions.
Tentative Date On Nwd Specifies the tentative date related to the notice withdrawal date.
Notice Action Documents actions taken regarding the employee’s notice.
Reason For Extension Provides reasoning for any extensions of the notice period.
Waiveoff Indicates if the notice period has been waived.
Comments Allows for additional notes related to the exit.
Escalated Specifies if the case has been escalated for further review.
Hrspocresign Captures information regarding the HR SPOC for the resignation process.
Accepted By Identifies who accepted the resignation or exit request.
Accepted By Name The name of the individual who accepted the resignation.
Manager Accept Date The date when the manager accepted the resignation.
Exit Interview Employee Notes if an exit interview was conducted with the employee.
Exit Interview Employee Status Indicates the status of the exit interview process.
Created By Identifies the user who created the exit case report.
Created On The date the report was generated.
Modified By Notes who made any modifications to the report.
Modified On The date when the report was last modified.
Status Indicates the status of the exit clearance process.
Remarks Provides space for any additional remarks related to the exit case.
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