Here is a Step-by-Step Guide for App Registration on Azure ADread more
This document describes the Authentication process of login into uKnowva Accounts.
To implement single sign on for an external application, you have to first link that application. To know how, click here.
Once you have linked you application, you need to change some code in your third-party application to mainly do the following:
Read the session variable passed by uKnowva to your application from Request Call uKnowva web service to authenticate the passed token and on the basis of response from the uKnowva web service, you may run your code to log the user...If you are having an internal Active directory, then you may want to use the same username and password to login into uKnowva as well, this is very well possible using the LDAP SSO plugin. Just follow the below steps
1. Login as admin
2. Go to uKnowva Configuration-->Plugin manager --> LDAP / AD Authentication (Single Signon)
4. Setup the required details
The variables define in above screen shot in details given below:-