How to upload documents for users in bulk?

uKnowva has a feature for HR managers and Admins to upload any kind of documents for users in bulk. This makes the process faster and it also maps documents to particular users only.

Please follow the process mentioned below:

Step 1:

Enable “Upload Payslip” Menu from uKnowva Configuration > Menu Manager > My Menu.

(Note - You can also rename it later like “Upload Docs” as shown in screenshot)

Step 2:

Define folders for uploading documents.

  • Go to “uKnowva Configuration” > “Apps Manager” > “Employee Onboarding and Exit Management App”


  • Edit and look for sub field “Payslip Folder”


Step 3:

Upload bulk documents.

Check “Upload Docs” menu in my menu

  • Select the folder in drop down, upload the zip file, and follow the format as described.

  • Submit and the letters will be visible on employees account documents folders.


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