Deleting Skills in uKnowva HRMS

Discover how to safely remove outdated or irrelevant skills from uKnowva HRMS. Follow this guide to keep your skills database clean and relevant.

If you need to delete multiple skills at once, select the checkboxes next to the relevant skills and click on the bin icon located at the top-right corner of the screen. This will remove all selected skills from the system.

A confirmation alert will appear—click "OK" to proceed with the deletion or "Cancel" to abort the action.

For deleting a single skill, locate the skill in the list and click on the bin icon under the "Action" column. 

A confirmation alert will appear—click "OK" to proceed with the deletion or "Cancel" to abort the action.

That’s it!

You’ve now learned how to delete existing skills from your uKnowva HRMS instance.


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