How to configure Virtual Bio-metric

1. Click on Profile Picture and then click on "uKnowva Configuration"



2. Click on "Plugin Manager" search "Virtual Biometric" in the search bar and then click on "Virtual Bio-metric Attendance Tracker"


3. Make sure that the 'Published' option should be "Yes" . 'Accessible to' should be on "All" ; also 'allowed user groups' should NOT be selected in the configuration column.


4. You can exclude users from the plugin by entering their names in the "Exclude Users"


5. Put required details in the "Allowed Devices" option. In this case we have selected "All"


6. You can enter the static IP addresses of the locations which have working devices. i.e Client's company's IP, Office's IP etc. If you do not put any IP address in this option; all the employees will be able to see the Virtual Bio-metric Plugin from any device and on any IP address.


7. Select the user groups, such as your field staff or sales team, that will not have the above IP address restrictions


8. 'Make comments mandatory' option ensures that all the employees should enter comments of their daily plan while punching in


12. You can define the Approvers i.e Immediate Superiors, HR Managers etc.


13. Select the approval workflow for Virtual Biometric Attendance. If a workflow is selected here, the Virtual Biometric Attendance will follow the configured workflow. Additionally, all the configurations below will not apply to attendance approval.


14. You can define the notifications of the Approvers should be received in what medium. i.e email, notification or both


15. You can also define the hours after which the employee will be automatically punched out. In this case we will put in the same 10 hours. This ensures that if the employee has exhausted the maximum limit i.e 10 hours in this case; he will have to punch in again.


16. Minimum punch in time is the minimum time for an employee to be punched into the system. In this case we have kept it for 10 minutes. If the employee has punched in for less than 10 minutes; his attendance will not be recorded by the system.


17. You can select the option of offline employees getting punched out automatically by clicking on "Yes/No"


If set to yes and the above setting of punching out offline users is also Yes, then system will try and normalize the punchout based on the last known online timestamp, else it shall just consider the time when the user is getting punched out as the final punchout time


18. Define how users will be notified about the automatic punch out. i.e email or notification or both.


19. You can select specific employees or employee groups which need not be automatically punched out if their system is offline.


20. You can enable the detection of your TO DO list by clicking "Yes" on the below option.

21. The system sends smart reminders and auto generated mails of the average punch in time of the user. You can enable / disable these kind of emails by clicking on "Yes/No"

22. You can define what all events should be shown on your Virtual Bio-metric by selecting the events in the given option.


23. You can also exclude certain employees or groups of employees from smart reminders and automated emails.

24. Select the medium for these smart notifications i.e email, notifications, SMS etc.

25. You can define the message that will be sent to the employee via SMS.

26. You can detect the punch in location by clicking on "Yes" for the option 'Track Location'






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