How to upgrade ESIC plugin in uKnowva as per July 2016 rule ?


With the new rules for ESIC that have come into effect since July 2019 by the Government,please refer the link below for the same.





Step 1: Since the advent of those new rules we have updated the same in the Uknowva plugin.



To update ESIC plugin please follow below steps.


Link: How to Install/Upgrade ESIC plugin from extension store in uknowva ?



Step 2: To configure the plugin, please refer the below steps.


Go to uknowva configuration  




 Step 3 : In left-hand side menu click on plugin -> search for "ESIC Calculator" and click on it.




Step 4: - In configuration you will find "Calculate PF on total of" field. Add salary component name as per attach screenshot.



- In configuration you will find "Maximum Threshold" : Enter the maximum amount on which ESIC will be applicable, if the salary is above this amount, ESIC will not be applicable



- In configuration you will find "Employee Contribution (%)" : Enter the employee's contribution towards ESIC in percentage



- In configuration you will find "Employer Contribution (%)" : Enter the employer's contribution towards ESIC in percentagex



Step 5: Click on save button.


Hope this helps! For any further queries please contact us. Thank You.  


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