How to calculate and configure ESIC

1. Click on profile picture and "uKnowva Configuration"


2. Click on "Plugin Manager" then search 'ESIC' in the search bar and then click on "ESIC Calculator"


3. Make sure you select "Yes" on the "Published" option and also keep "All" in the 'Accessible To' option


4. Select the "ESIC Account Number Field" as per your requirement


5. You have to define on what components of your salary the ESIC has to be calculated. this definition is dependent on Government rules and at present it is on total fixed earnings. You have to ensure that the component name entered is the same as that defined in the default structure of the payroll system.


6. The maximum threshold amount on which ESIC will be applicable. This is the amount above which if an employee earns, ESIC will not be applicable. This again is decided by the Govt. and at present it is Rs 21000/-


7. Employee and employer contribution is again decided by the Govt. rules.


8. You can select the user groups or users which will be excluded from the ESIC calculations.


9. After all the configurations; click on "Save"

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