How to assign Admin Role to a user?

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To change the role of any user you need to have admin privileges. To change roles there are two ways you could follow in uKnowva.

Method 1:

    1. Go to the user’s profile by using the search option or using the people’s directory

    2. On the user’s profile page, you will find ‘Edit user’ option on the top.


3. A pop will appear, wherein against the role option, you can select the role as ‘Admin’. 


4. Click save


5. A message of successful profile updation will appear on clicking submit.


Method 2:

    1. Go to uKnowva Configurations 


2. Select the menu ‘User manager’ on from the Left main menu



3. Select the user for whom the role needs to be changed. 


4. Hover over the username and click on the ‘Edit’ icon


5. A pop will appear, wherein against the role option, you can select the role as ‘Admin’. 


6. A message of successful profile updation will appear on clicking submit.


7. You have now successfully changed the user role of an employee to ‘Admin’.


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