How to schedule interview on Google Meet via uKnowva

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Step 1:

Under “My Applicants”, the recruiter will be able to see a list of Applicants in the system against each job post with other details. To schedule an interview - Select status “Schedule Interview” for scheduling applicants interview.


Step 2: 

On following Step 1 - a pop up window will open. If the recruiter is not logged in their respective google account then at the top of the page the recruiter will be notified “To generate Google Meet, Click here to login to your Google Account!”.


Step 3:

Next is selecting the Interviewer and Date of Interview. Select location as “Google Meet” and set yes to send the invite to the candidate as shown below.


Step 4:

After all parameters are saved on the interview schedule page, the interview schedule email is triggered to the candidate and interviewer which consist of google meet link.

Additionally, Interviewers can also find their scheduled interview under “My Scheduled Interviews”.


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