How to upload/change banner (sliding images) in uKnowva?

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Step 1: Go to ‘uknowva configurations’

Step 2 : Go to 'Widget Manager' menu from the left menus and search for 'Main Home Slider'.

Step 3: Search for image option.

Note : You can upload images based on the priority of which image you want to display in the first place,second, and so on by uploading images in option of  image 1, image 2, image 3 serial wise.

Step 4: Click on the ‘select’ button

Step 5: Once you click the select button ‘Insert Image’ pop up window will open.

Step 6: Click on ‘Choose file’ option and select an image from your local computer, after choosing file,click on ‘Start upload’ button.

Step 7: After successful uploading of the image, you will receive notification ‘Upload complete’ and your uploaded file will get visible in images listed.

Step 8: Select from listed images and click on ‘insert button’.

Note: your selected image’s path will always gets shown in image option textbox.

Step 9: Click on ‘save’ button.

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