How to upgrade Provident Fund plugin in uKnowva as per June 2016 rule ?

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With the new rules for PF that have come into effect since June 2019 by the Government,please refer the link below for the same.





Since the advent of those new rules we have updated the same in the uKnowva plugin.


Step 1: To update PF plugin please follow below steps.


Link: How to Install/Upgrade PF plugin from extension store in uknowva ?




Step 2: To configure the plugin, please refer the below steps.


Go to uKnowva configuration  




Step 3 : In left-hand side menu click on plugin -> search for "Provident Fund Calculator" and click on it.




Step 4: Enter the basic head title (Make a note that Basic head title should be entered as per the salary component head title only).




Step 5: Enter the basic max limit amount. (Please check the below rules)


Rule 1: If the basic is greater than or equal to 15000 then PF will be deducted on basic only.


Rules 2: If the basic is less than or equal to 1500 then all the above mentioned salary component will be add and PF will be deducted from that amount.




Step 6: Click on save button.


Hope this helps! For any further queries please contact us. Thank You.  


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