1. Open the create window in “Generate Letters”
HR Manager > Generate Letter > New Template
2. Design your letter format by –
a. Enter a name for your letter
b. User field required indicates whether the letter will be using data from uKnowva database. Hence keep this marked “Yes” when you require data to be autofetched in letter
c. Type or Copy-Paste your letter format in the input window
d. You can further add format like in a normal word doc from the formatting option
e. In place you would like to add data automatically from the system, add tags. Tags are always marked in double square brackets [[ ]]
f. To understand which tags to add, refer the tag list at the bottom of the page
g. Click on Save once you are happy with the letter format
3. Go back to the generate letter page
4. Click on Generate
5. Add the user name and click on save
6. The generated letter format (editable) is opened
7. You can make manual edits here (highlighted in the below pic)
8. Once done, click on submit
9. A PDF of the said letter will be generated which can be downloaded and inserted into the employee’s folder