How to create uKnowva HRMS instance from your Android smartphone (System Admins only)

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  1. Click on the link here to install the app
    or search uKnowva HRMS in the play store from your Android smartphone
  2. Tap on install and wait for installation.
  3. On completion open the app name HRMS.
    Look for this icon:
  4. Open the app and accept all the permission asked for.
  5. On accepting the permissions you will see the below screen.

  6. Tap on the Setup new app as shown by the red arrow in the screenshot below:

  7. Fill up the form shown below and then tap on go to start using the app.

  8. Now, wait for the setup to complete as shown below and check your email for the user credentials.

  9. Tap on the button "Take me to my instance" which will be redirected to the login page as shown below, use your credentials from the email to login.

Voila!! You have setup a new instance for uKnowva HRMS.

To setup employee/user apps please check out How to setup uKnowva HRMS on Android.



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