uKnowva Configuration/Administration

uKnowva Configuration is the go-to panel for uKnowva administrators. It is where you will find all options necessary to carry out your admin functions properly. You can access uKnowva Configuration from My Menu.

The different options in uKnowva Configuration are as follows:

  • Global Configuration
  • Apps Manager
  • Plugin Manager
  • Menu Manager
  • Widget Manager
  • User Manager
  • User Groups Manager
  • Theme Manager
  • Cache Manager
  • Tags Manager
  • System Information

Global Configuration

Admins can manage the following from Global Configuration.

Overall Instance Settings

Instance Name

Set the name of your Instance

Time Zone

Select the Time Zone for your instance

Caching Mechanism

Select the best suited caching mechanism to improve performance of and reduce load on your instance.

Cache Time

This time decides for how long results shuld be cached. Ideally, it is set between 15 and 30 minutes. Greater the number of users, higher the time will be.

Daily Reminders Frequency 

uKnowva sends consolidated emails to all users with updates about their notification, events, colleague requests, messages, updates from extensions, etc. Enter 1 to send an email daily, 2 for once in 2 days and so on. Enter 0 to disable this feature.

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