How to Find and Read the Configuration File of your uKnowva Instance

Follow the steps mentioned below to find and read the configuration file of your uKnowva instance.

  1. To find configuration file path, go to includes/defines.php OR administrator/includes/defines.php file and check below parameter.
    define('JPATH_CONFIGURATION', '/home/account_name/config');
  2. Go to config folder i.e. /home/account_name/config
  3. For security reasons configuration file is stored in an encrypted format; to read this file you need to decrypt the file. To decrypt the file,
    1. Use any online base64 encode/decode, for e.g.,
    2. Copy all the encrypted code from configuration.php file which looks like below

<?php eval(base64_decode(' encrypted code '));

Note: Copy code inside ( ' ' ) and click on decode button.

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