uKnowva Configuration/Administration

uKnowva Configuration is the go-to panel for uKnowva administrators. It is where you will find all options necessary to carry out your admin functions properly. You can access uKnowva Configuration from My Menu.

The different options in uKnowva Configuration are as follows:

  • Global Configuration
  • Apps Manager
  • Plugin Manager
  • Menu Manager
  • Widget Manager
  • User Manager
  • User Groups Manager
  • Theme Manager
  • Cache Manager
  • Tags Manager
  • System Information

Global Configuration

Admins can manage the following from Global Configuration.

Overall Instance Settings

Instance Name

Set the name of your Instance

Time Zone

Select the Time Zone for your instance

Caching Mechanism

Select the best suited caching mechanism to improve performance of and reduce load on your instance.

Cache Time

This time decides for how long results shuld be cached. Ideally, it is set between 15 and 30 minutes. Greater the number of users, higher the time will be.

Daily Reminders Frequency 

uKnowva sends consolidated emails to all users with updates about their notification, events, colleague requests, messages, updates from extensions, etc. Enter 1 to send an email daily, 2 for once in 2 days and so on. Enter 0 to disable this feature.

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Admin Groups

You can select the user groups to whom you would like to provide administrator access of your instance to. This is usually set to only the Admin user group.

Enable uKnowva App Store

If this option is set to “Enable”, you can access the uKnowva extensions store when adding new apps to your instance.

Enable Chat

You can choose whether your employees can use the Instant Messenger on you instance by enabling/disabling this feature.

Enable Subscription to uKnowva Mailing List

If enabled, all your users will automatically be subscribed to uKnowva’s mailing list and will receive emails about the latest happenings in uKnowva.

Chat Access

You can decide which user groups will have access to the chat by selecting the user groups here.

Logs Folder

Set he path of your logs folder here. uKnowva uses this folder to store logs on errors, user imports, exports, etc. To make it more secure, make sure this folder is stored outside your public directory so that it cannot be accessed by guessing the URL and make sure it is writable.

Allowed IPs to Execute Web Services

uKnowva by default provides a few web services like checkSessionToken, authenticateUser, etc., which can be used by third party applications to implement Single Sign On. You can restrict which IPs should be allowed to execute these web services by providing a comma-separated list of IP address here. If you keep this blank, then all hosts shall be allowed to access your web services.

Email Settings

From Email

All Emails sent through uKnowva use this email address to send the email.

From Name

This is the label which shall be seen by the recipient in his inbox. This name will be used by uKnowva to send emails.

Use SMTP Authentication

uKnowva, by default, uses the PHP mail function to send emails. If you want to use an SMTP authentication, select “Yes.”

SMTP Security

Select the security model that your SMTP server uses. In case of no security model, select “None.”



Enter the SMTP Port No. Usually, it is 25.


Enter your SMTP Host IP/Name here.

SMTP Username

Enter the username used to log in to your SMTP server here.

SMTP Password

Enter the password used to log in to your SMTP server here.

Emails per Cron

uKnowva maintains an email queue that stores all the mails that need to be sent out to users and delivers them at regular intervals while running the cron tasks. This number determines how many emails should be sent per cron. Keep it high in case you have many users.

Tag Settings

Enable Automatic Tag Creation

When set to yes, uKnowva will automatically create new #Tags if a particular tag does not exist. Else, only tags predefined in Tags Manager by the administrator shall be allowed.

Allow Tag creation to

Select the user groups that shall be allowed to create new #Tags, if nothing is selected here, and automatic tag creation is set to Yes, then all users shall be allowed to create new #Tags.

Minimum Tag Length

If you set blank or 0 here, #Tags of any length shall be allowed; else, only the #Tags having minimum character length as specified here shall be allowed.

Maximum Tag Length

If you set blank or 0 here, #Tags of any length shall be allowed, else only the #Tags upto the given length shall be allowed.

Network Settings

Status Limit

Set the maximum number of characters a status update may contain here.

Featured limit

Set the maximum number of users, photo albums, videos and groups that can be featured on uKnowva here.

Enable Photo Sharing

Allow or restrict users from sharing photos on the network using this option.

Allow Photo Upload To

Select the user groups who can upload photos on uKnowva here.

Photo Creation Limit

Set the upper limit on the number of photos a user can upload. Enter 0 if you do not want to set a limit.

Max Upload Size

Set the maximum file size for photos that can be uploaded.

Enable Videos

Allow or restrict users from linking/uploading and sharing videos on the network using this option.

Allow Video Creation To

Select the user groups who can upload/link videos on uKnowva here.

Enable Video Uploads

If enabled, users can upload video files on uKnowva, else they will just be able to link videos. Since, video files are large, they might take a lot of space on your instance. So, it is advisable to disable this option unless you have ample space. Please note: Video upload facility is still in beta and might work differently on different instances.

Video Creation Limit

The maximum number of videos a user can upload. Set it to 0 if you want no limits.

Max upload Size (Videos)

Maximum allowed size for videos in MB. This should not exceed 20 MB.

Path to FFMPEG

uKnowva uses a server side library called FFMPEG to convert videos that are uploaded by users in .flv format. Enter the absolute path of the FFMPEG folder here. If not entered, some videos/video thumbnails shall not render properly.

Video Quantizer Scale

If you are using FFMPEG then please specify the quantizer scale. This is basicaaly the video quality. Select between 1 (excellent quality) and 31 (worst quality). 5, 9, 11 are recommended.

Video Size

Enter the size of videos in width x height format. All videos shall be displayed in the selected size.

Max Messages/Groups/Photos/Videos per Day

Set the maximum number of messages a user can send, groups he can create & photos and videos he can upload in a day here.

Max Colleague Requests/Day

Set the maximum number of colleague requests a user can send in a day here.

Front Page Activities

Set the number of activities that should be displayed on a single page here.

Front Page Activity Filter

uKnowva, by default, displays all activities on the Home page, which can inundate your activity list if many users are simultaneously sharing on the activity stream. Select “Me and Colleagues” to display the activities of only the user and his/her colleagues

Enable Events

Allow or restrict a user from creating events.

Allow Event Creation to

Select the user groups that can create events.

Enable Groups

Allow or restrict a user from creating groups.

Allow Group Creation to

Select the user groups that can create groups.

Allow Group Photo Upload/ Video Upload/Event Creation to

Select the user groups that will be allowed to upload photos and videos and create events in groups.

Disable Colleague Requests/Personal Messages to

Enter the names of the users to whom colleague requests and personal messages will be restricted

Knowledge Settings

Forum Title

Set the title of your knowledge base here.

Topics per Page

Set the maximum number of topics to display in one page. This should be at least 2.

Messages per Page

Set the maximum number of messages to display in one page for a particular topic. This should be at least 2.

Allowed File Types

Set the allowed file types as attachments to topics. Separate multiple extensions by a comma.

Max File Size

Set the maximum file size, in MB, for attachments in the Knowledge Base. This should not exceed 20 MB.

Email Moderators

Set to “Yes” if you want e-mail notifications on new posts sent to the category moderator(s). Note: Although every Administrator has automatically all Moderator privileges, assign them explicitly as moderators on the category to receive e-mails too.

Email uKnowva Admins

Set to “Yes” if you want e-mail notifications on each new post sent to be sent to all uKnowva Admins too. If you have many admins, then set this setting to No.

Documents and Other Misc. Settings

Max Upload Limit

Set the maximum allowed file size, in MB, for the Documents section. Keep it blank or enter 0 for no limit.

Allowed File Types

Set the allowed file types in the Documents Section. Enter multiple file types by separating them with a Pipe (|) or Comma (,). Keep it blank to allow all file types.

Root Folder Path

Enter the physical location of the root folder where all the documents uploaded in the Documents section shall be stored. Keep this outside your public_html directory and make sure this path is writable.

Enable Public Download

If enabled, users can also email documents to email IDs that are not a part of the uKnowva network, i.e., they can send documents outside uKnowva.

Enable Versioning System

Enable or disable saving document versions before they are edited.

Enable Users with Upload Access to Create New Versions

If set to “No”, the document creator and the users having edit access to the document will have the rights to create new verions of any document, else users with upload access to the folder shall also have access to do so.

Enable File/Folder Logs

If set to “No”, activity logs like upload, download, etc., of any folder/file shall not be recorded.

Admin User Groups

The selected groups shall have complete access to add, edit, delete, view and upload files and folders in the documents section. The selected user groups can access other users' documents as well.

Allow Upload Access to

The selected groups only shall have access to create folders and upload files in any folder. If a user is explicitly given upload access to any folder by the creator, then only he will be allowed to upload.

Allowed IPs to run Scheduled Cron Tasks

uKowva runs scheduled tasks to do some kind of offline processing like folder size updation, etc. These crons should be made available only to certain IPs to make sure they are not available to public to avoid exploitation of server resources through public cron execution. Please provide a comma separated the list of IPs that can be allowed to run cron tasks.

Apps Manager

All the Apps that you have installed in your uKnowva instance are displayed here. You can click each app to access its configuration and change settings as per your requirement.

Plugin Manger

All the plugins that you have installed in your uKnowva instance are displayed here. Since this list tends to get very long, you can filter the list by Plugin Type and Status. You can also click each plugin to access its configuration and change settings as per your requirement.

Menu Manager

Arrange the menus and set their access rights from this page. You can decide where a particular menu will appear, which user groups have access to it, which menu is its parent and whether it is published or not from here.

Widget Manager

Similar to the Plugin Manager, the Widget Manager allows you to view all the widgets that are installed on your instance and configure them as per your requirement.  You can filter the list by Status, Position or just search by keyword.

You can click the name of each widget to access it individual configuration and edit them as required.


User Manager

This page displays a list of all users registered on your instance. You can enable/disable emails to users, log out users, reset their password and lock or delete their accounts. You can also edit their login information and profile from this page. This list can be filtered by User Group or you can search for a user by keyword. 

Other functions on this page include importing users via CSV upload, exporting the list of users to a CSV file, and adding a new user.

User Groups Manager

All user groups created for your instance will be displayed here. You can edit the user groups as required and change their name, parent, and description. You can also add a new user group here.


Theme Manager


You can customize the look and feel of your uKnowva instance from here. You can set the logo, background image, menu color, font color, link color, etc., here. The various options you have here are: 

  • Logo
  • Background Image
  • Top Menu Background Color
  • Font
  • Font Size
  • Font Color
  • Link Color
  • Left Menu Background Color
  • Left Menu Text Color
  • Primary Button Color
  • Secondary Button Color

Cache Manager

You can manage all the cached data in uKnowva from this page. All cached items are displayed on this page and you can choose to remove some or all of them at a time.

Tags Manager

You can view all tags created on your instance here. You can create new tags and also delete existing ones from this page.

System Information

You can check your uKnowva version, PHP & MySQL versions, PHP settings, directory permissions, etc., of your instance from this page. The information is read only and divided into 4 sections:

  • System Information
    • Server IP
    • Database Details
    • Webserver Details
    • Cron Activity Details
  • PHP Settings
    • Setting statuses (Safe Mode, File Uploads, etc.)
    • Disabled Function list
  • Directory Permissions
    • Settings of whether folders are writable or not
  • PHP Information
    • PHP version
    • Extensions
    • Extension framework etc.
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