How to set up uKnowva’s Job portal page on career’s website

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This document describes setting up/ linking your Job portal page on your career’s website.


Step 1) Upload the ‘job portal Zip file on your career website’s FTP.

Step 2) Extract The file in a folder say careers.

Step 3) Open the ‘config.php’ file

Step 4) In the config.php, find below code and change the ROOTURL path.



  define("ROOTURL",""); // Note : Here you need to put the uknowva site's url






Step 5) Save the config.php and check the job portal on <<>>/careers , you can now link it anywhere on your website

Step 6) Link the menu on your career page accordingly.

For any queries, please write to helpdesk[at]uknowva[dot]com

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