How to set up the short attendance intimation plugin in uKnowva

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This plugin sends the short attendance intimation to the user and also deduct the leave if working hours are less than configured hours.

Step 1: Login into account.

Step 2: Go to uKnowva Configuration menu from the right side.

Step 3: Click on 'PLUGIN MANAGER' menu from the left side menus and Search for 'Short Attendance Intimation' plugin in 'PLUGIN MANAGER'.

Step 4: Make sure that the 'Published' option should be "Yes”, Accessible to should be on "All" and Include User groups should be selected from the available user groups.

Step 5: You can exclude users from the plugin by entering their names in the "Exclude Users" also you can exclude user group from the plugin by selecting user groups from the available options.

Step 6: Select the number of days in which employee's leave should get deducted if they have worked less hours than minimum working hours for full-day consideration. By default, it will consider in 2 days.

Step 7: Select Minimum working hours to consider a full day. for example, the employee should work a minimum of 4 hours to consider his/her full day else leave will get deducted. if he/she works for less than 4 hours then his/her half leave will be deducted.

Step 8: Select Yes/No option to Deduct Leave.

Step 9: Select the type of leave to Deduct.

Step 10: Select unpaid leave type to Deduct, So that in case of employee is not having paid leave than his/her unpaid Leave should be deducted.

Step 11: Select number of leaves to be deducted.

Step 12: Select the additional day on which this plugin should not run except the offs. E.g Saturday as it can be half day.

Step 13: Click 'Save' to save configuration setting of short Attendance Intimation plugin

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