Steps to generate salary in uknowva ?

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UKnowva gives you an option to process salary in two systems.

Our older version is a simpler salary management system and the method to process salary using this system can be found here.

The newer version is more complex and has been made with a view to integrate salary with on-boarding and exit management system.

This article will explain how to manage salary using the new version.

Step 1: Go to Left-hand-side menu -> "HR Manager" -> "Payroll".


Step 2: Click on "Generate Salary" button which you will find in top right hand side.


Step 3: Select the Month and Year you wish to generate salary and then click on "Submit" button.


Step 4: You will be able to see "New joining and Exit Employees" for select months.

NOTE: Please make a note that if you wish to hold the salary then don’t click on check box

Or else you can click on "Next" button (Please refer screenshot).


Step 5: Now you can add the variable salary of the particular months, quarter, half year and year and also you can select type in rs(rupees) and %(percentage) and click on next button.


Step 6: Now you will be able to see salary of all employees.

NOTE: Salary which is displayed in red colour is on HOLD and also if the salary is correct then you can LOCK the salary.

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