uKnowva Configuration/Administration

Allowed IPs to run Scheduled Cron Tasks

uKowva runs scheduled tasks to do some kind of offline processing like folder size updation, etc. These crons should be made available only to certain IPs to make sure they are not available to public to avoid exploitation of server resources through public cron execution. Please provide a comma separated the list of IPs that can be allowed to run cron tasks.

Apps Manager

All the Apps that you have installed in your uKnowva instance are displayed here. You can click each app to access its configuration and change settings as per your requirement.

Plugin Manger

All the plugins that you have installed in your uKnowva instance are displayed here. Since this list tends to get very long, you can filter the list by Plugin Type and Status. You can also click each plugin to access its configuration and change settings as per your requirement.