uKnowva Configuration/Administration

Admin Groups

You can select the user groups to whom you would like to provide administrator access of your instance to. This is usually set to only the Admin user group.

Enable uKnowva App Store

If this option is set to “Enable”, you can access the uKnowva extensions store when adding new apps to your instance.

Enable Chat

You can choose whether your employees can use the Instant Messenger on you instance by enabling/disabling this feature.

Enable Subscription to uKnowva Mailing List

If enabled, all your users will automatically be subscribed to uKnowva’s mailing list and will receive emails about the latest happenings in uKnowva.

Chat Access

You can decide which user groups will have access to the chat by selecting the user groups here.

Logs Folder

Set he path of your logs folder here. uKnowva uses this folder to store logs on errors, user imports, exports, etc. To make it more secure, make sure this folder is stored outside your public directory so that it cannot be accessed by guessing the URL and make sure it is writable.

Allowed IPs to Execute Web Services

uKnowva by default provides a few web services like checkSessionToken, authenticateUser, etc., which can be used by third party applications to implement Single Sign On. You can restrict which IPs should be allowed to execute these web services by providing a comma-separated list of IP address here. If you keep this blank, then all hosts shall be allowed to access your web services.

Email Settings

From Email

All Emails sent through uKnowva use this email address to send the email.

From Name

This is the label which shall be seen by the recipient in his inbox. This name will be used by uKnowva to send emails.

Use SMTP Authentication

uKnowva, by default, uses the PHP mail function to send emails. If you want to use an SMTP authentication, select “Yes.”

SMTP Security

Select the security model that your SMTP server uses. In case of no security model, select “None.”