Install/Upgrade from Extension Store

uKnowva has a great extension store, where you could find many ready to user apps like HRMS, Project Management, Support Ticketing system, Lead management, etc.

Installing/Upgrading these apps on your instance is very easy and quick, all you need is admin access to your instance of uKnowva. You just need to follow the below steps:

  1. Login into your instance as an admin
  2. Click on the Plus button in your top menu
  3. You will now see three options, out of that select Extension store (If you can't see the store link, then probably you have disabled it in your Configuration, please check that)

  4. Clicking it, will open the uKnowva Extension store, you can now browse all available extensions and check their details.

  5. Once you click the details of any extension, you would see a button called Install, just hit it and your extension will be installed! Yes, it is that simple :)

In case you face any problems, then please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., our awesome support team will surely help you!



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